It's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion. 即使不把宗教牵扯进去,这个问题也已经够棘手的了。
In this technique, detection is thwarted by the addition of bogus data, basically muddying the waters and making the detective determine what is the real data and what is not. 使用这种技术,伪装的数据将能够阻扰侦测,让原本浑浊的水变得更加浑浊不堪,侦测者将难以确定哪些是实际数据哪些不是。
Even radar-data reports are muddying an already murky picture. 即便是雷达数据报告也使本已模糊的事态变得更加扑朔迷离。
What are you doing in my well, muddying it up like that? 你使我的井污浊不堪,你到底想干什么?
It also became apparent that the new virus contains bits and pieces derived from avian and human strains of influenza, as well as porcine ones, further muddying its origins. 人们还清楚地发现,这种新的病毒除了含有猪类流感病毒的片段外,含有来自禽类和人类流感病毒的一些片段,这使得要弄清猪流感病毒的起源就更加不容易了。
China, by far the biggest source of new raw-material orders, closed many factories during the Olympics, muddying the latest data, and analysts say it could be months before long-term trends are clear. 中国目前是原材料新增出口的最大市场,该国在奥运会期间关闭了很多工厂,从而影响了近期经济数据的准确性,分析师说,可能要几个月后才能看清经济增长的长期趋势。
China's surplus continues to dig in its heels, as structural forces assert themselves amid a muddying external picture. 由于结构性力量在外部环境日益不明的情况下得到加强,中国的贸易顺差继续固化。