Unless a strong hand guides India, it is possible that the rule of Mughal outsiders will be replaced by the lordship of European outsiders. 印度需要一个强力的领导,否则印度的控制权将由外来的莫卧儿人转到外来的欧洲人手中。
Taj Mahal mausoleum was built by the Mughal in the17th century. 泰姬陵是由17世纪时印度的莫卧儿王朝建造的。
Should he wish it, a Mughal ruler need only lift his finger to lay waste his enemies by the thousand. 莫卧儿的领袖只需要抬起他的手指便能让他的敌人灰飞烟灭。
While the Mughal emperors are the descendants of Genghis Khan, their history has changed them. 虽然莫卧儿的皇帝们都是成吉思汗的子孙,他们的历史仍然改变了他们。
Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'Built by a Mughal emperor as a mausoleum for his dead wife, the Taj is one edifice that actually lives up to its press. 泰姬陵是一个莫卧儿皇帝为其亡妻所建的陵墓,这座宏伟的建筑的确名不虚传。
They destroyed the Mughal empire in India, the shogunate in Japan and, indirectly, the last imperial dynasty of China. 他们摧毁了印度的莫卧儿帝国和日本的幕府统治,也间接葬送了中国最后一个皇朝。
The Mughal affinity for natural shapes is demonstrated in the mango-shaped profile of the bottle and in the bud form of the enamel stopper. 芒果般的瓶身和花蕾状的珐琅瓶塞则体现了莫卧儿王朝对自然形状的喜爱。
The Mughals also patronized this game, but the Mughal card-sets differ from those of the ancient Indian royal courts. 莫卧儿王朝也赞同这种游戏,但莫卧儿时期的卡片集与古印度皇室有所不同。
The Taj, built in the 1600s by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a shrine for his wife, is a World Heritage site. The mausoleum of Emperor QinShihuang also faces east but the tombs of most Chinese emperors face south. 世界遗产泰姬陵是17世纪印度莫卧儿王朝的皇帝沙贾汗为爱妻修建的陵墓。秦始皇陵是坐西朝东,而中国古代帝王陵寝大多坐北朝南。
The opulent, domed mausoleum, which stands in formal walled gardens, is generally regarded as finest example of Mughal art and architecture. 这座奢华的穹顶陵墓,屹立于一个正规的、建有围墙的花园之中,被普遍认为是莫卧儿艺术和建筑的最好例证。
Actually according to Indian history, Empire of Mughal in16 to19 century in north India also has ancestry of Mongol, but seems no any impact to Indian's big eyes. 其实印度的莫卧儿王朝(16世纪-19世纪)也是由蒙古人帖木儿的后裔建立起来的,但我怎么就没在印度大街上看到小眼睛呢?
Fatehpur Sikri had once was a magnificent fortified city of Mughal Empire during the reign of Emperor Akbar. 法特普尔·西克里城一度是阿克巴统治时期莫卧尔王朝的都城。
Analysis of Decorative Art of Mughal Architecture 莫卧儿建筑装饰艺术浅析
Reviewed the history of Mughal architecture, this paper analyzes the character of the decorative style of the Mughal architecture and discusses the cause of its formation. 简要回顾了印度莫卧儿时代建筑的发展历程,分析了莫卧儿建筑装饰风格特征,并论述其形成原因。
Zamindars in Mughal India 印度莫卧儿时期的柴明达尔
Science and Technology in India During the Mughal Period 印度莫卧儿时期的科学技术
As zhuang zi said: known around the world with, and useful knowledge with the useless mughal. 正如庄子所说:世人皆知有用之用,而莫知无用之用也。