There are different kinds of crime-related files, such as mugshots, crime scene photos, video, and so on. 有不同的文件类型,如嫌疑犯照片、犯罪现场的照片、录像,等等。
Hilary Duff makes headlines these days not by mugging for mugshots like many of her peers, but by being a philanthropic soul. 希拉里达芙总是上头条可不全因为街拍和左手的大钻戒,她还有颗博爱的心。
There, on MugShots. com, was a younger version of my patient's face, with details about how she had been detained for cocaine possession more than three decades earlier. 在MugShots.com上,我看到了我的患者年轻时的照片和她三十多年前因为持有可卡因被拘留的细节。
No less distressing, however, were the 20 mugshots of the six and seven-year-old children who were gunned down in their Newtown classroom last December. 然而,去年12月在纽敦镇教室中被杀的20名6、7岁儿童的照片同样让人心痛。