The bride then responds to the mullahs in much the same manner as do Americans when they say I do. 然后新娘这才回答毛拉的提问,有和美国新娘一样的方式回答说:我愿意嫁给他。
The groom is allowed to go into the bride's room while the mullahs take care of the official marriage papers. 在毛拉负责验证官方颁发的结婚证之后,这才允许新郎进入新娘的房间。
Two mullahs stand outside the door to this room reading from the Koran. 两位毛拉站在新娘独坐的那间房子的门外朗读《古兰经》。
Twice the bride must remain silent to the questions of the mullahs. 新娘必须对毛拉头两次提出的问题保持沉默。
In spite of these trends, Mr Sarrazin is plainly exaggerating when he forecasts a Germany dominated by mullahs, headscarves and the Turkish language. 尽管存在这些趋势,但萨拉辛预言德国会被毛拉、头巾和土耳其语占领显然是在夸大其词。
The mental image of bearded mullahs watching spinning centrifuges in a secret nuclear-facility hidden in a mountain sounds like something out of a James Bond film. 留着胡须的毛拉在一座藏匿于山中的秘密核设施里监视着旋转的离心机脑海中的这幅画面听上去像是詹姆斯邦德(Jamesbond)影片里的某个场景。
President Bush made-with unusal diplomatic words-clear, that the US or Israel would use military force to prevent the mullahs nuclear bomb if neccessesary. 布什总统用了很清楚的外交措辞说明美国或以色列将采用军事手段对付伊朗的核威胁。
Regular interaction with community leaders, mullahs ( religious leaders), clinicians, community health workers and couples led to culturally acceptable innovations. 我们还定期与社区负责人、毛拉(宗教领导人)、医生、社区卫生工作者以及夫妇进行交流,以便他们从心理上接受了这些新事物。
The mullahs would claim they had been right all along about the US. 毛拉们将会宣称,他们关于美国的所有说法都是正确的。
Nothing would please the mullahs more than to re-emerge as the vanguard of the resistance to the great and lesser Satans, and champion of the Shia against the Sunni. 没有什么比重新扮演起抵抗大小撒旦的先锋、对抗逊尼派的什叶派斗士更能取悦毛拉了。
Get the mullahs to lighten up? 让毛拉们放轻松?
Will he risk pre-emption against Iran or does he believe it can be contained? The mullahs would love to know. 他会对伊朗采取先发制人的打击吗?还是他认为局面会得到控制?
The US and its allies should remember it is engagement more than confrontation that unnerves the mullahs. 美国及其盟友应当记住,接触比对抗更能让宗教领袖们精神紧张。
The Sunni and Shiite Islamists in Iraq tried to impose a religious lifestyle on their communities, and the mullahs in Iran quashed the reformists. 伊拉克的逊尼派和什叶派试图让他们的社群过虔敬的宗教生活,伊朗的穆拉压制改革派。
By going to war with Iran, he could bleed the radical mullahs who had seized control of Iran. 通过与伊朗的战争,他可能会干掉控制着伊朗的激进的毛拉。
Hunger gnawed at his vitals, and he thought with envy of the millet porridge with goats 'milk which the mullahs would now be enjoying at the seminary. 饥饿吞噬着他的活力,他艳羡地想到,神学校的毛拉们现在可能正享受着羊奶煮的小米粥。
Mr Bush, having consigned the mullahs to an "axis of evil" in his first term, refused to let Americans attend. 布什从他的第一任期就把伊朗归入“邪恶轴心”,于是拒绝让美国人参加。
The fall of Mr Assad would rob the mullahs of their most vital strategic ally. 阿萨德如果下台,伊朗的毛拉们就会失去一个最重要的战略盟友。
Owing to the tribal social characters, the religious class in Afghanistan, consisting of Mullahs, descendents of the Husayn family and the Sufi pirs, standing above or outside the society, is a very special social group. 阿富汗的宗教阶层主要包括毛拉、圣族或圣门的后裔及苏菲派皮尔,由于阿富汗的部落社会特征,宗教阶层或高踞社会之上,或处于社会之外,从而形成阿富汗极为特殊的社会群体。