If it's important that all content be shared, consider using a multidomain feature, which is easily provided by a module of the same name. 如果共享所有内容非常重要,那么可以考虑使用多域特性,该特性很容易通过同名模块实现。
The modules, unlike other multidomain modules, also control user access on the basis of the active domain the user is viewing, not on the basis of the group or site to which the user belongs. 不同于其他多域模块,这些模块还根据用户正在查看的活动域来控制用户访问,而不是根据用户所属的组或站点。
These results should be carefully examined before coming to any conclusion, as many traps await the similarity seeker: paralogues, multidomain proteins, pseudogenes, etc. 这些结果应该在下任何结论前被认真检查,因为很多陷阱在等待相似性搜索者:旁系同源物、多结构域蛋白质、假基因等。
The multidomain authentication can also be disabled to allow only specific domains to be authenticated on the client. 还可以停用多域鉴定,以便只允许特定的域在该客户端鉴定。
Study of multidomain STN-LCD 多畴STN-LCD的研究
The multidomain structure of the tenascin-C subunit gives rise to the multifunctional properties of tenascin-C. It implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. 从而使Tenascin-C具有影响细胞增殖、分化和迁移等多种功能。
Solution of Multidomain Name System Coexist in Campus Networks 校园网环境下多域名系统并存的解决方案
Through research of reusable component theory and the experience from software development, this paper summarizes the methods and strategy of recognition of software reuse, and proposes the methods of multidomain re-analysis. 文中通过对可复用构件理论的研究,结合在软件开发中的实践经验,总结了识别软件可复用机会的方法和策略,提出了多领域再分析法。
Multidomain Least Load Algorithm: A Task Scheduling Algorithm on Internet 多域最小负载算法&Internet环境中的一种任务调度算法
Web service is a new service-oriented computing paradigm which poses the unique Security challenges due to its inherent heterogeneity, multidomain characteristic and highly dynamic nature. Web服务是一种新的面向服务的计算模式,由于其异构性、多域性和高度动态性,它提出了独特的安全挑战。
The method of the multiwave& multidomain synthetic seismogram and layer calibration is not only adapted for P-P and P-S wave, but also for time domain or depth domain. 合成记录和层位标定的方法不仅适用于纵波或转换波,还适用于时间域或深度域。
The discrete multidomain variational formulation formed the key point of the paper: Legendre-Galerkin spectral method. 离散的分段区间变分形式就是本文的主要思想:Legendre-Galerkin谱方法。
To verify the correctness of the theory, the single domain Chebyshev pseudospectral time-domain algorithm is applied to solve the resonant frequency for metal resonator. ( 3) Had a in-depth discussion of the multidomain Chebyshev pseudospectral time-domain algorithm. 为验证理论的正确性,将切比雪夫伪谱时域算法应用到求解金属谐振腔的谐振频率。(3)深入讨论了多区域切比雪夫伪谱时域算法。
Give the algorithm of computing inter-domain trust relation in real time for multidomain currently environment based ant colony algorithm. 基于蚁群算法,给出了根据多自治域的当前环境,实时计算域间信任关系的基本方法。
For these multidomain proteins, folding is generally thought to be hierarchical and the individual domains with different stabilities fold autonomously and independently. 多结构域蛋白的折叠一般认为是有序的,每个结构域具有不同的稳定性,它们独立自主地进行折叠。
Axin is a multidomain protein that plays a critical role in Wnt signaling, serving as a scaffold for down-regulation of p-catenin. Axin是一种重要的抑癌因子,在Wnt信号通路中作为具有多功能域的构架蛋白起着下调β-catenin水平的作用。
In order to improve the stability and accuracy of the multidomain pseudospectral time-domain ( MPSTD) algorithm and expand its application, some key problems of its theories and applications are studied in this paper. 本文以改善算法的稳定性、提高算法的计算精度和拓展算法的应用领域为目的,对多区域时域伪谱(MPSTD)算法理论和应用中的几个关键问题进行了研究。
The multidomain Chebyshev pseudospectral time-domain ( MCPSTD) algorithm is deeply discussed. 深入讨论了多区域切比雪夫伪谱时域算法。
The size of grains became smaller and the corresponding domain-structure also changes gradually from predominantly multidomain to predominantly single-domain with the increase of Zr element. 随着Zr含量的增加,组成薄膜的颗粒尺寸逐渐减小,且畴的结构也逐渐地由复杂的多畴结构转变为单畴结构。
However, the folding mechanism of multidomain proteins may be much more complicated than single-domain proteins because it involves both the folding of the individual domains and the docking of these domains. 然而,多结构域蛋白要比单结构域蛋白的折叠机制复杂得多,因为它既包含了单个结构域的折叠,同时还有结构域之间的相互作用。
Using this mechanism to analysis the relation of risk and trust in multidomain environment, and proposes information exchanging risk computing algorithm for multidomain. 通过该机制分析了在分布式信息交换环境中风险与信任之间的相互关系,并提出了一种动态风险评估机制。