He recruited two multilingual engineers. 他招聘了两个懂多种语言的工程师。
They are becoming bilingual or multilingual. 他们正逐渐成为会讲两种或多种语言的人。
For example, there are many brochures on our museum, and almost all museums have multilingual websites. 比如,我们的博物馆有许多的小册子,并且几乎各家博物馆都有多语言网站。
You are going to add multilingual support for this application. 需要为此应用程序添加多语言支持。
Simply substitute one semantic function with an equivalent that's multilingual. 我们只要使用一个等效的多语言库来替换相同语义的函数即可。
I18n libraries and alternative editors are far more numerous than I can introduce in an article on multilingual editing. I18n库以及可替换的编辑器有很多,比我在关于多语言编辑的那篇文章中介绍的还要多。
This means that standards can guarantee multilingual support. 这意味着该标准可以保证对多语种的支持。
If your content store or data is multilingual you should set the indexing languages before creating your first index. 如果您的内容存储和数据是多种语言的,那么您应该在创建第一个索引之前设置索引语言。
Other tools do not support multilingual TMX documents and restrict the number of allowed languages to two per file. 还有一些工具不支持多语言TMX文档,每个文件中支持的语言最多只能是两种。
Find a multilingual business. 查找一个多语种业务。
The service provider must provide an interface with locale information in order to support a multilingual business operation. 服务提供者必须提供一个带有语言环境信息的接口以支持多语种业务操作。
Multilingual capability: Many organizations need to maintain their taxonomies in many languages. 多语种功能:许多组织需要以多种语言维护其分类法。
XML is cross platform and Unicode encoded, and thus capable of holding multilingual data without data loss. XML是跨平台的又是用Unicode编码的,因此能够保存使用多种语言的数据,而不会造成数据丢失。
Nevertheless, TMX can also be used for creating and maintaining multilingual glossaries. 不管怎么说,TMX也可以用来创建和维护多语言的术语表。
Is a multilingual, web-based, free content encyclopedia project. 项目是一个基于web的、多语言的、内容开放的百科全书。
You will be prompted to specify an archive personal folders file that supports multilingual Unicode data. 将提示您指定支持多语言unicode数据的存档个人文件夹文件。
User-friendly and multilingual, it allows customers to manage their systems locally or remotely with a remote Web client. 方便用户使用和多种语言功能可使用户在本地或者通过客户端远程管理系统。
Singapore is a multilingual nation, with many of its citizens being able to speak English Malay and Chinese. 新加坡是多语种国家,很多居民会说英语、马来语和中文。
Now that you have prepared the environment, you are ready to implement multilingual web services. 既然您已经准备好了环境,那么您就可以实现多语言web服务了。
You won't be alone in this multilingual communication challenge. 在这场多语言沟通的挑战面前,你并不孤单。
This paper introduces design and implementation of a sentence planner for multilingual generation system of weather forecasting. 介绍生成多语种天气预报文本系统中句子规划器的设计与实现。
Setting the language on a report is recommended if you deploy the report in a multilingual environment. 如果在多语言环境中部署报表,建议您对报表设置语言。
This ranges from exchanging knowledge during village-to-village'Shodh Yatra'journeys to highlighting local innovations through multilingual publications and an online database. 这包括在从一个村庄到另一个村庄的“ShodhYatra”旅行中交换知识,到通过多语言出版物和网络数据库宣传当地创新。
They have developed a multilingual European on-line database. 他们发展了一个使用多种语言的欧洲联机数据库。
The Research and Implementation of Multilingual Domain Name System and Chinese Domain Name System 多语种域名及中文域名技术的研究与实现
Multilingual testing professionals determine if there are bugs in your code and isolate them. 多语言测试专家将确定您的代码中是否有错误并隔离它们。
This navigational concept will be important for multilingual sites of all types in the future. 在将来,对于所有类型的多语言站点,该导航概念是很重要的。
Multilingual messages and items can contain text in languages that require different scripts. 多语言邮件和项目可以包含以要求不同脚本的语言表示的文本。
Multilingual intelligent human-machine interaction is a hot spot in the field of speech recognition. 多语言智能人机交互技术是语音识别领域中的研究热点。
He is the key Engineer for developing multilingual web service show box. 他是开发多语言web服务显示框的骨干工程师。