Two types of product details: single-page and multipage 两种产品细节页面:单页面和多页面
Now that you've added tabs and image carousels to your single-page Product Details page, it's time to effect a similar transformation on the multipage version. 既然已经在单页面版本的ProductDetails页面中添加了选项卡和图像carousel,下面就对多页面版本进行相似的改进。
There was nothing awful about the multipage interface of Customize Me Now1.1, but the process of loading consecutive forms slowed down your users and disoriented them between each step. CustomizeMeNow1.1的多页界面本来不是很糟糕,但加载连续表单的过程减缓了用户操作的速度,而且还会让他们在各个步骤间迷失方向。
This sets the value of the database configuration parameter MULTIPAGE_ALLOC to YES. 这会将数据库配置参数MULTIPAGEALLOC的值设置成YES。
The first step toward creating an image carousel from your multipage Product Details section is to build a new JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON) document. 要想用多页面的ProductDetails内容创建一个图像carousel,第一步是构建一个新的JavaScriptObjectNotation(JSON)文档。
Without Ajax, multipage forms can seem long, painful, and off-putting to prospective customers. 如果没有Ajax,在潜在的客户看来,多页表单既冗长又让人头疼。
In this installment, you learn to streamline complex processes by turning multipage forms into Ajax tabs. 在本文中,您将学习如何将多页表单转变成Ajax选项卡来流线化复杂的过程。
The natural evolution is from a page as an organizational unit to a multipage application as a unit. 首先出现的是作为一个组织单元的页面,然后在发展成为作为一个单元的多页面应用程序。
Part: You can create a common part that can be used in multipage pages. 部件:您可以创建一个能在多页面中使用的公共部件。
Examples of applications that require a stateful context include a store checkout process, product customization, multipage form wizards, and many other applications based on linear interactions. 需要有状态上下文的应用程序的例子有很多,例如存储检查过程、产品定制、多页表单向导和很多其他基于线形交互的应用程序。
Multipage Signal. Indicates the end of a complete page of fax information, and to return to the beginning of phase C upon receipt of a confirmation. 多页面信号。指的是一页完整的传真信息的末端然后在收到一个确定后回到C段的开始。
Apply an e-mail template to multipage publications, such as a newsletter, and distribute as an e-mail message. 将电子邮件模板应用到多页出版物(如新闻稿),并将其作为电子邮件分发。
After a brief review of the print functions of Visual C~ (++) and their sequences in an application's running, a programming method for the multipage printing and print preview of shallow seismic profile is presented in this paper. 在简述VC++打印函数和运行顺序的基础上,本文提出浅层地震剖面的多页打印和预览的VC++程序实现方法,指出剖面图像的分页处理要与图形映射模式相关联;