A computational inverse technique for reconstruction of multisource loads in time domain 时域内多源动态载荷的一种计算反求技术
The Structuring of Multisource Three-Phase Inner Circulation Fluidized Bed Photocatalysis Reactor and Application Research 多光源三相内循环流化床光催化反应器的构建及其应用研究
A New Method for Building TIN of River Channel Based on Multisource Data 基于多源数据的河道不规则三角网构建方法
The Multisource Commenting on Multivariant National Culture of Xinjiang Comes Into Being and Develops; The network has detected quite a number of shallow earthquakes along the trough. 论新疆多元民族文化的多源生成与发展新台网已记录到许多沿海槽发生的浅源地震。
Research on the DSS Models in "Digital City"── Taking Multisource Weber Problem As an Example 数字城市中的决策支持模型研究&以多元韦伯区位模型为例
Research on the Method of Generating DEM with LiDAR and Multisource Data 多源数据辅助机载LiDAR数据生成DEM方法研究
Implementation and Interpretation Method of Multisource Electromagnetic ( EM) Sounding 复合源电磁测深法的实现和解释方法研究
The necessity of multisource data was analyzed from the aspect of civil engineering road plan and design. 分析了市政道路规划与设计对多源数据的需求,以及在该领域中常用的多源数据的类型及其特征。
Therefore, the research in theory of appling Dempster's rule to multisource information fusion is necessary. 但在将Dempster证据组合规则应用于多传感器数据融合时,理论上仍有值得探讨之处。
Research on multisource information fusion for remote sensing image is becoming more and more attractive in recent years. 遥感影像信息融合是近几年来国际上遥感领域的研究热点,也是解决多源遥感海量数据富集表示的有效途径。
Advances of Multisource Remote Sensing Image Fusion Techniques in China 国内多源遥感影像信息融合技术的新进展
Multisource Image Fusion Method Using Markov Random Field Model and EM Algorithm 基于MRF模型和EM算法的多源图像融合方法
Multisource information fusion is a changeable, opening and nonlinear system, in which, many uncertainties are found in the form of information, dynamic features of objects in surveillance area and the processing of multisource information. 多源信息融合是一个多变、开放和非线性的复杂系统,其在传感器所获信息的表现形式、被观测对象的运动方式及多源信息的综合处理等方面都存在诸多的不确定性。
A decision-level fusion method based on rough set theory for multisource and huge information has been given, which can make selection of fusion method s easy and efficient. 此外基于粗糙集理论与融合分析评价提出了多源遥感信息决策级融合算法,可有效提高融合分析的快速性和准确性。
The techniques of multisensor information fusion study how to process and use information from multisource cooperatively, Because of the complement of information with different formations, we can obtain more objective more essential cognition to a certain target. 多传感器信息融合技术研究如何加工、协同利用多源信息,并使不同形式的信息相互补充,以获得对同一事物或目标的更可观、更本质的认识。
The Design and Implementation of a Proxy-based Multisource Application Level Multicast System 基于代理的多源应用层组播系统的设计与实现
A novel set-valued feature selection ( SVFS) method for fusion classification of multisource remote sensing images is proposed. 提出了一种多源遥感影像集值特征选择(SVFS)与评价新方法。
Digital Seabed Database: Study on Integration and Management Method for Multisource and Comprehensive Seabed Data 数字海底数据库:海底多源综合数据的集成与管理方法研究
A Data Fusion Algorithm of Heterogeneous Multisensor System Based On Uniform Description of Multisource Information 一种基于多源异类信息统一表示的多传感器数据融合算法
Research on knowledge based integration of multisource heterogeneous information 基于知识的多源异构信息一体化研究
Application of the fusion methods for multisource data of satellite remote sensing in geology 数字遥感图像的多源数据融合方法在地质学中的一些应用
A method of an arbitrary neutron spectrum equivalence for damage in semiconductor by multisource synthesis was described. 描述了一种多元合成研究任意中子源对半导体辐照损伤能谱等效的方法。
Feature integration and classification from multisource images are main issues in existing references. 特征组合、分类等是现有文献中特征级图像融合的主要研究内容。
Study of Multisource Information Fusion Technique in Target Identification Systems 目标识别系统中的多源信息融合技术探讨
Technique of Multisource Information Fusion in Military Applications 军事应用中的多源信息融合技术
Similarity measure is usually used to study the similar degree between multisource data, which is the basis of pattern recognition on spatial data. 相似性度量是用于研究多源数据之间相似程度的,是对空间数据进行模式识别的基础。
Now the management function of the geographic information data strengthen, and the multisource geographic information data was managed and applied availably. The geographic information system combines with the other professional system and database more and more closely. 目前地理信息数据的管理功能已经明显增强,多源地理信息数据被有效地管理和应用,地理信息系统与其他专业系统及数据库的结合越来越密切。
Multisource remotely sensed images are selected for calculating and comparing the information content. Meaningful conclusions are obtained, which validates the scientific nature and rationality of the information measure theory. 选取多源遥感影像进行信息量的计算与比较,得出了有意义的结论,从而证明了信息度量理论的科学性和合理性。
However, multisource features have different dimension, different type and structure of information. 然而,多源特征的结构复杂,量纲不同,表示信息的方式与结构各不相同。
A new idea of feature-level fusion is presented in this thesis, whose concept is feature extraction is supported by multisource image fusion. 论文提出了特征级融合的新思想,即在图像特征提取过程中利用多源图像的信息融合。