This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought. 这个杀人狂会毫不犹豫地把他俩都杀了。
He made a murderous attack on his wife that evening. 他那天晚上想置妻子于死地。
This is in contrast to the reality of murderous attacks that pirates made on unarmed merchant ships. 这是对比的现实,残忍的海盗袭击事件作出对手无寸铁的商船。
In a murderous frenzy as if possessed by a demon. 仿佛恶魔附体般凶残疯狂的。
Fearless and unworried at all times, whether dealing with religious debate, a patricidal prince, or a murderous outlaw. 尽管面对着宗教争论,一个杀父的王子或者一个杀人的歹徒,他都一直都是无畏和镇定自若。
To visit the psychotic, murderous maniac. 去拜访这个精神病杀人狂了。
We're its murderous enemies. 我们就是谋害了他的仇敌。
Even someone as wicked as this murderous bandit can change his ways. 就连这个杀人不眨眼的强盗都能改恶从善。
A bloodthirsty hatred arousing murderous impulses. 引起杀人冲动的残忍的仇恨。
You mean associations, like the leader of one of the most murderous street gangs in the country? 你所谓的圈子是指这个国家最无恶不作杀人不眨眼的帮派之一喽?
This was murderous work! 这真是要命的事情!
Many a man has controlled a murderous rage when he thought of the hot seat. 许多人一想到电椅就压住了想杀人的怒火。
A gunman killed ten people in a murderous frenzy today in Los angeles. 今天在洛杉矶一持枪歹徒在谋杀的狂热中杀死了10个人。
He called Hamas murderous terrorists who had staged a coup and tried to assassinate him. 他称哈马斯为残忍的恐怖分子,一直在谋划奇袭,并试图暗杀他。
Snuggy-Yeah, I'm well aware of Hussein's murderous history. 是啊,我对侯赛因的残暴史很清楚。
Hell for some time, full of murderous look will become more angry. 地狱持续一段时间后,充满杀气的怒吼会变多。
She surprised the secret of his murderous past through a stolen letter. 她从偷来的一封信中意外地发现了他从前杀过人的秘密。
Claims you put him in a murderous state. 声称是你把他引向了意图行凶的状态。
Prosecutors say a beautiful stripper obsessed with the film followed the script to its murderous end. 检察官们说一个漂亮的脱衣舞女迷上了这部电影,仿效剧本实施了她的计划直到最后的谋杀。
In another seek and find mystery of murderous proportions! 在另一个寻求并找到神秘的杀人比例!
We're a murderous bunch of pirates, remember? 咱们是杀人如麻的海盗,你忘了啊?
He flew from country to country, battling murderous mutant microbes. 他从一个国家飞向另一个国家,与杀人的变异细菌进行斗争。
And from that hollow center came a murderous intent that knew no bounds. 而且从那个空虚的中心出现了一股无限的杀戮的意愿。
If I see a murderous fellow sharpening a knife cleverly, I can borrow his way of sharpening the knife without borrowing his probable intention to commit murder with it; 如果我看到一个杀气腾腾的人在敏捷地磨着一把刀子,我可以借用他磨刀的方法而用不着借用他可能用刀子犯谋杀罪的动机。
Fiend I have no idea who this murderous fiend may be. 我不知道这个杀人不眨眼的恶魔可能是谁。
This made me colder and more murderous than ever. 这使我变得更冷静,也更凶狠。
Rape is often murderous and that's not survival behavior. 强奸往往会杀人,而那不是生存行为。
Assad and his regime is certainly showing their true murderous colors and the arab world is SILENT. 阿萨德和他的政权显示其真正的杀人的颜色,并且阿拉伯世界是无声的。
The girl might have murderous tendencies. 这个女孩可能有谋杀倾向。
You murderous self-serving traitor! It's over! 你这残忍自私的叛徒,该结束了!