The home side drew first blood with a penalty from Murray Strang. 主场球队依靠默里·斯特朗的罚球而旗开得胜。
Murray double-parked his car 默里并排停放了他的车。
Naturally, it'll go back. But without Murray's little note, I hasten to add 很自然,它会返回。但没有默里的便条,我急忙补充道。
Murray Pick's hollow laugh had no mirth in it. 默里·皮克的干笑里没有一点快乐。
Murray was a guest on a live radio show. 默里在一个直播的电台节目里当嘉宾。
Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home 默里在回家前和艾莉森达成了大致的约定。
They got misty-eyed listening to records of Ruby Murray singing 'Danny Boy'. 聆听着唱片里鲁比·默里演唱《丹尼男孩》的时候,他们泪眼模糊。
Peter Murray is in London and has been monitoring reports out of Monrovia. 彼得·默里一直在伦敦监听来自蒙罗维亚的新闻报道。
He prodded Murray with the shotgun 他用猎枪捅了捅默里。
Arthur Murray taught the foxtrot, the tango and the waltz. 阿瑟·默里教狐步舞、探戈和华尔兹。
Anne Murray sang again. 安妮·莫莉又唱了起来。
Dr. Murray is more than ready to surrender and answer to any charge s, attorney Ed Chernoff said. 律师埃德切尔诺夫说,莫里医生不仅准备好了随时认罪,还会对任何指控做出答复。
When Murray was six, Clive came into his family. 当Murray六岁的时候,Clive成了他家庭的一员。
Together, he and Murray have travelled to America and some European countries. 它和Murray一起游览了美国和部分欧洲国家。
He stays with Murray and plays with him. 它陪伴着Murray,和他一起玩耍。
Now Murray joins the Grand Slam club. 现在穆雷加入了大满贯俱乐部。
Murray had been treating Jackson for insomnia for six weeks at the time of the singer's death. 直到杰克逊去世,莫里已经为他治了6个月的失眠症。
Andy Murray's US Open victory and Olympic gold medal helped him to become the most searched-for British Olympian. 安迪•穆雷在美国男子网球公开赛中取得的胜利和奥运夺冠使他成为搜索次数最多的英国奥运会选手。
Mr. Murray, I know that you're organizing a protest march in favor of the farmers. 默里先生,我知道你在组织一支支持农民的抗议队伍。
Christopher Murray at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle led the study. 位于西雅图的华盛顿大学健康指标与评估研究所的ChristopherMurray领导了这项研究。
Murray Strauss from the University of New Hampshire worked with Mallie Paschall from the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. 来自新罕布什尔州的MurrayStrauss和来自太平洋研究和评估学院的MalliePaschall共同进行了这项研究。
This paper introduced the condition of the water resources management on the Murray Darling Basin in Australia. 介绍了澳大利亚墨瑞达令流域水资源管理的情况,并谈了自己的体会。
Dale Edwin Murray is a freelance illustrator and designer in east London. DaleEdwinMurray是一位自由插画师和设计师,来自伦敦东部。
I first approached Murray to ask him about the climate change impact of a cappuccino. 最初我和默里联系是为了讨教一杯卡布奇诺咖啡对气候变化的影响。
Murray said Jackson had injection marks on his hands and feet. 他还说杰克逊的手上和脚上都有打针孔。
Nadal beat Britain's Andy Murray in four sets in his semi-final. 在半决赛中,纳达尔在四盘比赛中击败了英国选手安迪•穆雷。
Son of Joanne Rowling and Neil Murray, David Gordon Rowling Murray was born in March 2003. 乔安妮·罗琳与尼尔·莫里的儿子,大卫·戈登·罗琳·莫里出生于3月2003年。
Murray the mouse and Eric the Elephant answered the door. 老鼠默里和大象埃里克开门迎接客人。
Mr Murray also publicly signalled his belief that the Li/ Leung deal had hurt shareholder interests. 马世民还公开表示,他相信李泽楷和梁伯韬之间的交易损害了股东利益。
Professor Murray says many rural families have taken in relatives and friends who lost homes and jobs. Murray教授说,许多农村家庭接收了失去家园和工作的亲朋好友。