In one direction from my house there was a colony of muskrats in the river meadows; 从我的屋子向着一个方向望过去,河畔的草地上,有着一个麝鼠的聚居地;
From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. 从城市到乡村,无处不在的绝望让他们只得用裘皮大衣来安慰自己微弱的勇气。
Their food is mainly fish of the trout variety, but also eat young ducks, muskrats and even birds on rare occasions. 主要食物为不同的鳟鱼,也以鸭雏,麝鼠为食,偶尔捕捉飞鸟。
He had interviewed a man who trapped muskrats in sewage lagoons and another who had once caught an albino trout. 他采访过一个在污水塘捕捉麝鼠的人,还有一个抓过一条白化体鳟鱼的人。
The survival ratio of the young rats of the first foetus ( 94.2%). was higher ( P < 0.001) than that of the second foetus ( 73.1%), The paper provide scientific basis for researching the reproductive characteristic of muskrats. 第一胎的仔鼠成活率94.2%极显著地高于第二胎73.1%(P<0.001)。为探讨其繁殖特点提供了科学依据。
Dogs, cats are natural hosts of this parasite, the animals such as wild carnivores, horses, beavers, apes, muskrats, and other primates are infected incidentally. 犬、猫科动物是本病的天然宿主,野生肉食动物、马属动物、海狸、猩猩、麝鼠、灵长类等偶见感染,还可以感染人类。