He had scarcely been a week at Leghorn before the hold of his vessel was filled with printed muslins, contraband cottons, English powder, and tobacco on which the excise had forgotten to put its mark. 船长一向总是惜时如金,他在里窝那停靠了不到一星期,他的船上已装满了印花纱布,禁止出口的棉花,英国火药和专卖局忘记盖上印的烟草。
The differences between the Muslins and the main-stream social values and some international crises, however, result in frequent grudges between the Muslims and the British society. 但同时,穆斯林社团和英国社会主流价值观之间的差异以及一系列国际危机,却往往引起穆斯林和英国社会的冲突。