His own army, stung by defeats, is mutinous. 经历失败的痛楚后,他所率军队出现反叛情绪。
Sunday's vote is a contest to succeed long-time President Joao Bernardo Vieira, who was killed by mutinous soldiers in March hours after his chief political rival died in a bomb blast. 星期天的选举是竞争由谁来取代维埃拉总统。维埃拉3月被哗变的士兵打死。
French diplomats have confirmed that he is indeed in the hands of a mutinous faction of the army after soldiers stormed the Presidential offices where cabinet meeting was underway. 法国外交部证实,总统杜坦贾当时正在总统府进行内阁会议,士兵们冲进来发动政变。之后,杜坦贾被一个政变部队控制。
My baby was a mutinous child. 我的孩子是个不听话的孩子。
Voters in Guinea-Bissau are choosing a new leader. Sunday's election is meant to replace President Joao Bernardo Vieira, who was killed by mutinous troops five months ago. 几内亚比绍选民正在选举新的领袖。周日的选举是为了取代五个月前被叛军杀害的总统若昂·贝尔纳多·维埃拉之位。
In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs. 以这个名义,他收集了搞叛变和颠覆活动的阴谋计划的情报。
Abetted by the mutinous conduct of your men. 全因为你的人在煽动。
Her lips mutinous, she looked up into his eyes and saw so much amusement in their dark depths that she burst into laughter. 她撅着嘴,抬着注视着他的眼睛,看见那黑黝黝的眼珠子里饱含着乐趣,便噗哧一声笑了。
The captain submitted to his mutinous crew. 船长向反叛的船员们妥协了。
He gave Dixon a mutinous glare. 他朝狄克逊恶狠狠地盯了一眼。
When mutinous sailors were put in irons in the olden days, nobody was allowed to unshackle them. 昔日当叛变的水手被戴上镣铐时,任何人都不许除去他们的枷锁。
That left Supremor to deal with his mutinous brother all on his own – just the way he liked it. 而留下自己去单独面对魔尊的挑战&这正是玉帝最喜欢的方式。
Let's rescue the loot from that mutinous crew! 让我们把那些掠夺品从反叛的船员手里夺回来。
Tim, alone in his mutinous body, is left wondering whether the trouble is in his head. 也不知道自己脑袋到底出了什么状况&还不知道毛病是不是源于大脑。
On the evening of the same day the mutinous Greek ships were boarded by loyal Greek sailors. 当日晚间,发生叛变的希腊军舰已被忠诚的希腊水兵占领。
In dismissing the mutinous minister, Mr Medvedev sought to demonstrate that he still has authority, analysts said despite the humiliation of voluntarily standing down as president in favour of Mr Putin. 分析师称,梅德韦杰夫撤掉这位不听话的财长,是为了表明自己仍大权在握,尽管他主动要把总统之位让给普京显得甚是卑微。