He started for Dot's bedroom and Myrtle held him back. 他正要去多特的卧室,被默特尔拦住了。
Myrtle gave a brittle laugh. 默特尔冷笑了一声。
Myrtle sat huddled on the side of the bed, weeping. 默特尔缩着身子坐在床边哭泣。
Air traffic controllers in Myrtle Beach then notified federal authorities, who sent in the local deputies. 该州爱神木海滩地区的空中交通管制人员立即将此信息通知了派驻在当地有关机构的联邦政府执法人员。
Thousands of grasshoppers, hidden in the bushes, chirped with a monotonous and dull note; the leaves of the myrtle and olive trees waved and rustled in the wind. 成千只知了躲在草丛里,吱呀吱呀地叫个不停,那叫声很单调。杏桃木和橄榄树的叶子在风中摆动,索索作响。
At the Coronation in1937, Logue is seated in the royal box, with his wife, Myrtle. 在1937年国王的加冕典礼上,Logue和他太太Myrtle应邀坐进了皇室包厢。
The video of the babysitting orangutan is said to have been shot at Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina. The clip was filmed by the Discovery Family channel for the show My Dog's Crazy Animal Friends. 这只保姆猩猩的视频是在美国南卡罗来纳州的莫特尔沙滩野生动物保护区拍摄的,是探索家庭频道为《我家狗狗的疯狂动物朋友》节目拍的。
Myrtle wilson's tragic achievement was forgotten. 麦特尔?威尔逊的悲惨的结局也被人遗忘了。
Here, ancient myrtle, endemic huon pines and rare whitey wood grow. 这里生长着古老的桃金娘树、本地种属的泪柏,还有稀有的白木。
Esther in Hebrew means: The planet Venus and her Persian name Hadassah means: Myrtle. 以斯帖的意思是金星。她的波斯名字的意思是桃金娘。
The leaves of the myrtle and olive trees waved and rustled in the wind. 杏桃木和橄榄树的叶子在风中摆动,索索作响。
1 He Deathday Party that myrtle haunts a bathroom on the first floor. 赫敏在忌日晚会上说,桃金娘出没在一楼的厕所里。
If there was one thing Myrtle hated it was to be told she ought to go to bed earlier. 如果有一件事默特尔最讨厌的话,那就是让她早一点上床睡觉。
A fragrant green wax obtained from the wax myrtle and used in making candles. 一种绿色芳香的蜡,从杨梅属植物中获取,用于制蜡烛。
"You mckees have something to drink," he said." get some more ice and mineral water, myrtle, before everybody goes to sleep. " “你们麦基家两口子喝点什么吧,”他说,“再搞点冰和矿泉水来,茉特尔,不然的话大家都睡着了。”
Effect on Cuttage Rooting of Dwarfing Crape Myrtle under Different Concentration of ABT, GGR, NAA 不同浓度的ABT·GGR和NNA对矮化紫薇扦插生根的影响
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle. 绣满桃金娘的绿叶;
Myrtle is a squat ghost with lank hair, pimples, and thick glasses. 桃金娘是个矮胖的女鬼,有着一头平直柔软的头发,一脸的粉刺,还戴着厚厚的眼镜。
As goddess of flowers and fruitfulness she is associated especially with the rose, the poppy, and the myrtle. 因为她是花果神,所以人们特别把她与玫瑰、罂粟和爱神木联系起来。
They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space. 他们施与,就像山谷那边的桃金娘散发芳香。
Myrtle haunts a girls 'bathroom on the second floor. 桃金娘经常出没在二楼的一间女盥洗室。
Relatively hard durable timber from the Queen's crape myrtle; light reddish brown, smooth and lustrous. 桃金娘科的一种比较坚硬的耐用木材;淡红褐色,光滑有亮泽。
A tropical evergreen tree of the myrtle family native to the East Indies but cultivated elsewhere. 桃金娘科的热带长青树,土产于东印度但在别的地方也栽植。
A genus of tropical American trees and shrubs of the myrtle family. 在热带美国桃金娘科的乔木和灌木的属。
She looked at Myrtle and then at tom. 她先看看茉特尔,又看看汤姆。
He gets to the floor above and he is at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. 他上了楼并到了哭泣的淘金娘的盥洗室。
Cloves are the rich, brown, dried, unopened flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum, an evergreen tree in the myrtle family. 常青树上的棕色未开花的花蕾,气味清香,营养丰富,桃金娘科植物的一种。
In 1987 the crape myrtle and the orchid were made municipal flowers, and camphor trees and bamboo municipal trees. 1987年贵阳市确定的市花为:兰花、紫薇。市树为:樟树、竹子。
In addition, the portrait is painted with background foliage of myrtle and quince, symbols of love, fecundity and fidelity. 画中的背景图案为象征着爱情、生育力和忠诚的植物&香桃木和温柏树叶。
Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, moaning myrtle? 这个恶心的,可怜的,爱哭的鬼?