神秘主义(指通过冥想和祷告寻求真理、知识以及与神灵相通的宗教行为) Mysticism is a religious practice in which people search for truth, knowledge, and closeness to God through meditation and prayer.
Maeterlinck's followers rallied around the standard of mysticism. 而梅特林克的信徒们却在神秘主义的旗帜之下聚合了起来。
Much in the way that Galileo's science swept away mysticism and superstition, measured improvement can sweep away unproven opinion during the course of process adoption. 就像伽利略的科学扫除了神秘主义和迷信一样,在过程采用的过程中,度量的改进可以扫除未证明的意见。
Mo is renowned for his unique perceptions of reality, imaginative descriptions, de-familiarization processing, mysticism and a pioneering style. 莫言在他的小说中构造了独特的主观感觉世界、天马行空般的叙述、陌生化的处理,塑造出神秘的对象世界,带有明显的先锋色彩。
In true sense it is our mystical mind. It has all the qualities of mysticism. 真正意义上讲,它是我们的神秘意识,它有神秘主义的所有品质。
First I started out by investigating various ideas of mysticism and mystic experiences. 首先,我要研究的是各种神秘主义以及神秘经验。
Confucianism is not a religion, but it is not free from some touch of religion and mysticism. 儒学不是宗教,但是它并非完全摆脱了宗教和神秘主义的因素。
Through Theosophy and Anthroposophy, the concept of Atlantis also entered Nazi Mysticism. 尽管是见神论和人智学,亚特兰蒂斯的概念也进入纳粹神秘主义。
Some scholars owe it to elements of military technology or mysticism. 许多学者把这种结果要么归结为军事技术因素,要么归结为一种神秘主义。
There is also the notion that'celtic'implies celtic mysticism and a particular influence in new-age music which has little to do with traditional music. 还有一种观念是“凯尔特”意味著凯尔特神秘主义和对新音乐的特殊影响,而这种新音乐和传统音乐几乎没有联系。
A strain of mysticism runs through his poetry. 他的诗作中贯穿著神秘主义的情调。
Romance of Enfeoffment to Deities shows strong mysticism of foreign culture with plenty of cultural elements of mi sect. 《封神演义》中含摄了大量的密宗文化元素,使小说呈现出浓郁的异域文化的神秘色彩。
But the bouquet of blue and white surely adds a touch of mysticism to the dull color scheme. 素雅的白蓝色花束给简单的主题色调添了一抹神秘的色彩,迷人而悠远。
This mysticism in Cheng's painting is widely discussed. 实际上,他作品中的神秘性被广泛讨论。
The depth of Sufi mysticism arouses fear among orthodox Muslims, generating hostile criticism. 苏菲深深的神秘主义引起了传统穆斯林的担心,产生了敌意的批评。
He had no mysticism about turtles although he had gone in turtle boats for many years. 虽然他曾经在捕龟船上工作了许多年,他对海龟却没有任何迷思。
He studied Sufi mysticism in his youth and brought some of its ideas to the West. 他在年轻时研究苏菲神秘主义,并在某种程度上将这种思想传播到西方。
Rich with ancient mysticism and long-lost secrets. 有著无数的古代神秘事物以及失落已久的秘密。
It is precisely that the vulgarization and the downward movement of the upper class's mysticism was the reason of this situation. 正是由于玄学从上层社会的向下移动和庸俗化,才导致了这样的局面。
His acute perception was often clouded by mysticism. 他敏锐的洞察力常受到模糊思想的影响。
The occurrence of this phenomenon is related to the royal family's humble class background and also keep a close ties with the growth and decline of Confucianism and mysticism. 这一现象的发生,和皇族的寒族出身有着密切的关系,和玄学儒学的消长更是密切相关。
In Hebrew and Christian mysticism it is the shape of the shepherd's staff. 在希伯来和基督教的神秘传统里,变成了牧羊人的蛇杖。
Nature mysticism and the pain of life! 自然的神秘,生命的痛苦!
It blended with the magic and mysticism of the legendary Greek Hermes Trismegistos which became known as the Hermetic philosophy. 它融合了魔法和传说中的希腊赫尔墨斯的神秘主义,后者即为赫尔墨斯哲学。
Mysticism has not the patience to wait for God's revelation. 神秘主义没有耐心以等待上帝的启示。
The former refers to the fact that people consider Bloch's utopian thought as irrational and dogmatic because of his interest in mysticism and his resolute support for the Soviet Union. 前者指人们由于布洛赫思想的神秘主义色彩和他对苏联的一贯支持而简单地把他的思想看作是非理性主义的、教条主义的,没有理解其深刻内涵;
The group of mostly retired Chinese is led by an elderly gentleman who mixes strict punctuality with a certain Eastern mysticism. 这群人大多数是退休的中国人,牵头的是一位老先生,他把严格的时间规定和某种东方神秘色彩结合在了一起。
On the other hand, Benjamin was also strongly attracted by Jewish mysticism since he was a Jew. 作为犹太人,本雅明又在很大程度上受到犹太教神秘主义的影响。
White always mates, he thought with a sort of cloudy mysticism. 白子总将死对方,他带着一种模模糊糊的神秘感觉这么想。
Idea on German Romantic Music under the Background of Mysticism 神秘主义背景下的德国浪漫主义音乐理念
This book is engaging for them and offers a sense of mysticism that they can connect to. 这本书的对象是孩子,它对孩子具有神秘的吸引力。