A lot of what passes for persuasive writing in business communication today are pile-ups of abstract concepts strung together with what our seventh-grade English teachers called "helping verbs," and plenty of grammatically correct sentences are still mystifying. 如今在商业沟通中,议论文很多时候被误以为就是用七年级英文老师口中的“助动词”将一堆抽象概念连起来,很多语法正确的句子都不知所云。
No, so mystifying is the question that someone always tries to explain why she doesn't leave even after she has left. 然而令人困惑的问题是,一些人总是试图解释她为什么不离开,甚至在她离开以后又回到他的身边。
Mystifying deals and decisions suggest that the money trail runs all the way to the Kremlin. 雾里看花的交易与决定暗示着资金链大有深入克里姆林宫的可能。
In the ancient times, it was a thing that was both mystifying beyond comparison and containing endless functions and benefits. 古时候这可是件神圣无比且功用无穷的事情。这种比拟是不恰当的。
In judicial practice, we should overcome the tendency of mystifying the cyber crime and grasp its essence correctly. 实践中,应克服网络犯罪神秘化倾向,正确认识网络犯罪的本质。
They are everywhere this winter, as everywhere as furry trapper hats and fuzzy boots, in varieties so bountiful as to seem, as a street trend, rather mystifying. 它们在整个冬天就象皮帽和绒靴一样随处可见,式样繁多,它们是街道潮流且极具魅惑力。
Even more mystifying is the assertion that Deloitte welcomes diversity of thought. 更让人疑惑的是,德勤竟然声称欢迎思维的多样化。
Those who classify themselves as tourists rather than travellers, meanwhile, will walk a famous wall and meet an army of model warriors, cruise a large river, eat some mystifying meals, go shopping and go home. 同时,这些将自己定义为观光客而非旅行者的人,会在闻名遐迩的长城上漫步,在宽阔的江河上航行,品尝一些不可思议的食物,逛商场,然后回家。
There is only a one-step distance between failure and success, but in most cases, we are confused by failure which is deliberately mystifying. 失败和成功只有一步之遥,但很多时候我们容易被失败的故弄玄虚给迷惑住了。
Legal education supports it by analogy, provides it a general legitimating ideology by justifying the rules that underlie it, and provides it a particular ideology by mystifying legal reasoning. 法律教育通过类推法支持法律等级制度。通过证明其基本规则为其提供一般的法律观念;通过神秘化的法律推论为其提供特定的意识观念。
The act or an instance of mystifying. 神秘化神秘化的行为或事例。
I say that my current offering isn't a mystical story or a religiously mystifying story at all. 我觉得我现在所说并非一个神秘故事,也不是一个宗教的神秘故事。
For those whose exclusive norm for constitutional judging is merely fair reading of language applied to facts objectively viewed, Brown must either be flat-out wrong or a very mystifying decision. 对于那些一成不变地认为宪法判决只不过是正确解读适用的法律条文并客观看待事实的人,布朗案要么是完全的错误,要么是神秘莫测的判决。
The second is widespread corruption, which allows the terrorists not only to move with mystifying ease around Russia but also to secure a steady source of income. 其二,腐败横行。这不仅让恐怖分子得以在俄罗斯境内无比自由的活动,还保障了他们稳定的收入来源。
I want to be deliberately mystifying in here neither, he does not have but courage. 我也不想在这里故弄玄虚,可是他没有勇气。
The mystifying barrier of language 语言的迷障
The process of the idolization of her was just similar to the idolizing, mystifying of some other historical people, and also has its own characteristics. 她的偶像化过程与中国古代其他历史人物偶像化、神化、仙化的过程有相似之处,但也有其特异之处。
Brand loyalty while there are many scholars further research and discussion, but for network brand loyalty research is still in the initial stage, for B2C e-commerce platform on how to form a brand loyalty is in mystifying. 品牌忠诚虽然有很多学者进行深入研究和探讨,但对于网络品牌忠诚的研究仍处于初步的阶段,对于B2C电子商务平台如何形成品牌忠诚更是在雾里看花。
Harvard college in, did someone uninformed school "let" sell, lack of legal literacy public is mystifying. 身处政法院校,尚且有人不明就里遑论卖校,缺乏法律素养的社会大众更是雾里看花。
Since manipulation is a mental activity, the cognition is an important member of dominating public mind. The discursive production and interpretation is concerned with activating the embodied knowledge, profiling some information and mystifying some information. 控制是一项心里活动,认知是掌控人的思想的一个重要成分。话语的再生产和解读与已有的认知激活,信息突显和信息遮蔽紧密相连。