Then they will return with a fortune of six hundred francs, and waste this treasure in some city with the pride of sultans and the insolence of nabobs. 他们会带着一笔六百里弗的财富回家,然后带着象苏丹那样的骄傲,象印度富豪那样不可一世的神气,把这笔财富在某个城市里花得干干净净。
He is a president who goes out and talks to the otdinary people, not just the nabobs. 他是一位走出去和普通老百姓交谈,而不光是结交大人物的总统。
She's been racketing around among the nabobs. 她一直与大富翁为伴,过着花天酒地的生活。
The colonel was one of the richest nabobs of his day. 那位上校是当时最富有的巨富之一。