I took my snapshot of him and the company when he was at the miserable nadir of his professional life. 我的文字记录了职业生涯痛苦低谷时期的他和他的公司。
Still, Mr. Obama's re-election would have seemed unlikely in the nadir of his presidency, the fall of 2010, when voters in the midterm election gave Republicans control of the House. 然而在2010年秋季、奥巴马的总统生涯处于最低点时,他似乎不太可能再次当选,当时的中期选举令共和党人获得了众议院的控制权。
A Greek debt restructuring would mark the first time in more than 60 years that an advanced economy has defaulted and would be a nadir in the two-year long crisis. 希腊债务重组将标志着60多年来首次有一个发达经济体违约,并将标志着长达两年的欧债危机跌至谷底。
The demand for this product will reach its nadir within two years. 对此产品的需求在两年内将达到最低点。
It is tempting to see this as the nadir. 将此视为谷底的诱惑很大。
They thought that the sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan in March had marked the nadir of the crisis. 他们以为,今年3月贝尔斯登(bearstearns)出售给摩根大通(jpmorgan),就已经标志着这场危机达到了高潮。
China's Shanghai Composite Index has appreciated 91 per cent since its nadir in October 2008 but still remains 46 per cent below its October 2007 peak, he points out. 他指出,中国的上证指数自2008年10月跌入谷底以来已经上涨了91%,但仍然比2007年10月的峰值低46%。
His fortune was at its nadir. 他的运气坏到极点。
Western belief in progress has been slipping steadily for decades, but is now at a nadir. 西方对进步的信念几十年来不断衰落,但眼下处于谷底。
One of the main difference between atmospheric effect on nadir and off-nadir observations is the adjacency effect. 大气对垂直遥感和大倾角遥感影响的主要差别之一体现于邻近象元的影响。
Things go downhill from youth to middle age until they reach a nadir commonly known as the mid-life crisis. 从青年到中年再到人生低谷,也就是中年危机,情况就有所变化,在走下坡路了。
Their number-crunching reached a nadir in the more recent mortgage debacle, which was exacerbated by their willingness to award AAA ratings to thousands of structured-mortgage time-bombs. 他们的数字运算在最近的抵押贷款危机中走到了谷底,这场抵押贷款危机的恶化就是因为他们的一意孤行,向这些定时炸弹般的结构性抵押贷款授予了AAA评级。
If the nadir for stocks and credit was marked by the lows of early March, plenty of investors have been left behind. 如果说3月初的低点标志着股市和信贷市场底部,那么大量投资者都已踏空。
A government at the nadir of its unpopularity. 处于最不得人心时刻的政府。
But CFOs overall have continued to become more positive since the nadir of the fourth quarter of last year. 不过,总体而言,自去年第四季度跌至谷底以来,财务总监们的乐观情绪在不断上升。
At the nadir of recession, he had to sell his property and move into his parents'house. 在景气最低迷时,他必须把产业卖掉搬回去和父母住。
Consider the evidence that the economy has passed the nadir of the "Great Recession". 有迹象显示,经济已度过了“大衰退”的低谷。
This failure was the nadir of her career. 这次失败是她事业上的低谷。
The president seems to have reached the nadir of his political career. 看来总统已到了他政治生涯的低谷。
The more commanding Ford. Drive One marked the nadir. 福特,开吧这句更具命令性的口号标志着福特已经走过了谷底。
The defeat was the nadir of her career. 这次失败是她一生经历的最低点。
Temperature rises when reaching highest peak, reaching is oviposit period is gotten on for; when dropping to the nadir, temperature drops is menses! 体温上升及达到最高峰时就是排卵期快到了;体温下降跌到最低点时就是月经期了!
It feel as If we have traveled from nadir to zenith 感觉上我们好像已从天底走到了天顶
Not even a doubling in the main share indices from their nadir in 2009 has lured investors back. 即便主要股指较2009年低点翻了一倍也不能吸引投资者重返。
The nadir of fertility appears to be1.3 children per woman. 平均每个女人的生育值最低值是1.3个孩子。
It said the nadir for the developed world had not been reached and a recovery would be so weak that unemployment in the US and western Europe would exceed 10 per cent and stay there. 当时经合组织表示,发达国家经济尚未见底,复苏将非常疲弱,美国和西欧的失业率将超过10%,并维持在这一水平。