I don't care if he's scratching your Nads off, you don't let go. 我不在乎它在乱抓你的衣服,你只要不让它走。
Compared with the conventional FGD processes, NADS can result in an investment reduction of more than 70%, and a cost reduction of more than 80%. 与现有同类技术相比,NADS的投资可减少70%以上,运行成本可减少80%以上。
Unit FGD expense of the proposed novel method is one third of that of limestone-gypsum method and is also lower than that of Ammonia method and NADS method. 进一步的经济分析表明,乙二胺/磷酸法脱硫费用相当于石灰石法的1/3,低于氨法和新近开发的NADS法,具有较好的经济性。