Never to be behind the curve, I decided to upgrade my personal computer when Windows 8 was released to consumers, naively thinking that the company had resolved all the big issues. 为了不落后于潮流,我决定在Windows8发布的时候升级我的电脑,还天真地认为微软已经把所有大的问题都解决了。
This clarity allows you to visualize and thus assess potential threats, and it makes sure you don't naively rely on security by obscurity. 这种透明性让我们可以观察到潜在的安全威胁并对其进行评估,从而确保我们不会天真地依赖于通过隐藏获得的安全性。
If we ( naively) neglect the possibility of the computer crashing or being switched off, the only important consideration is that measurements are logged at some point. 如果我们(天真地)忽视了计算机崩溃或关闭的可能性,那么惟一重要的考虑事项就是在某些时刻记录的度量结果了。
As opposed to the anti-pattern of not receiving enough feedback, I often find teams who naively decide everyone should always receive anedback ( say, an e-mail) every time a CI server does anything. 与“反馈太少”反模式相反,我常常发现团队天真地认为,当CI服务器做任何事情时,每个人都应该接到反馈(比如电子邮件)。
The examples so far have naively assumed that the penalty for a mismatch between DNA bases should be equal& for example, that a G is as likely to mutate into an A as a C. 目前为止的示例都假定DNA碱基对之间不匹配的扣分应该相等&例如,认为G变异为A与变异为C的可能性相当。
And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents 'savings were being spent on my college tuition. 在十七岁那年,我愚蠢的选择了一所几乎和你们斯坦福大学一样贵的学校。我父母还处于蓝领阶层,他们几乎把所有积蓄都花在了我的学费上面。
Perhaps naively, I had expected to find that many trees had been killed. 也许处于幼稚,我本料想会看到许多烧死的树木。
We were within a year of the same age, and we were kind of naively optimistic and built big companies. 我们同岁同时代,都有些幼稚的乐观,创立了大的科技公司。
In order to remain personally engaged with a subject, we have to feel, however naively and narcissistically, that we could at some level make a contribution to it. 为了保持自己能投入于某一学科,天真也罢,自恋也罢,我们必须认定自己在某种程度上能为这一学科作出点贡献。
Naively, I assumed that my future would lie in Western and Central Europe. 我曾天真地以为我会被派到西欧或者中欧,但他们对我却另有安排。
Zoe naively thought drugs wouldn't affect her. 佐伊天真地以为毒品对她不会有影响。
But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents'savings were being spent on my college tuition. 可是我很愚蠢的选择了一个几乎和你们斯坦福大学一样贵的黉舍,我怙恃还处于蓝领阶级,他们几乎把所有积储都花在了我的膏火膳缦沔。
In what seemed a logical extension, we have tried, a bit naively, to use macroscopic imagery to describe submicroscopic entities. 似乎是作为这种做法的一种逻辑推广,我们有点天真地试图用宏观形象来描述亚微观体。
Have you ever set off in the car to your destination, without a map, naively believing you will find it? 你可曾有过这种经历?你坐在汽车里朝着拟订目的地出发,没有带地图:天真地以为一定会找到目的地。
Only a couple who were naively over-confident would imagine they could profitably manufacture dom-estic tableware by hand in England. 只有自信得近乎天真的夫妇才会设想,他们能在英格兰手工制造家用餐具,还可以获利。
But sushi entrepreneurs should not naively assume that Japanese sushi and foreign sushi are always the same. 不过,寿司企业家不应该天真地认为,日本寿司和外国寿司总是一样的。
Sometimes I naively think that that festival day cannot be far away. 有时我会天真的认为,这样的节日的到来的日子不会太远了。
Maybe I see things too naively at times. 也许我看东西太天真有时。
They naively assume things can only get better. 他们天真地以为情况只会变好。
He spoke so naively and clumsily that I could see the bare bone of his holy plot. 他讲话的口气十分天真,笨拙,我都看出了他那神圣计策中的无法遮掩的骨架。
On taking office, the US president naively tried hard to engage Pyongyang, even writing a personal letter to Kim Jong-il ( the contents of which have not yet been publicly released, unlike those written by the two preceding presidents). 奥巴马在刚上台时曾天真地努力与平壤方面保持接触,甚至还以个人名义写信给金正日(KimJong-il)(信件内容迄今仍未公布,而前两任美国总统写的信都公布了)。
It's been encrypted pretty naively, pretty simplistically, but it's actually an English sentence that's been somehow scrambled; but scrambled in a reversible way. 它被天真地,相当简单地加密了,但是它实际上是一个被加密的英语句子,但是加密方式是可逆的。
You cannot rely too naively on the spontaneous functioning of markets. 不能过于天真地信任市场的自发运转。
He believed, naively, that she would leave him her money. 他天真地相信她会把钱留给他。
Do you want to let incapable of going back old days naively revive? 你想让不可回返的往昔纯真复活吗?
Those on the left were naively credulous and those on the right victims of paranoid fantasies. 左翼评论员天真而轻信,右翼评论员则患上了妄想症。
I love someone, but since she is the symbol of everything, I partake of the essence of everything, unconsciously and naively. 我爱上某人,只因为她是一切的象征,我天真无邪地享有万事万物的精华。
Some tribes have reinforced that impression by naively giving money to politicians and lobbyists including, notoriously, Jack Abramoff. 通过大度的给政治家和类似于臭名昭著的说客杰克·布拉莫夫慷慨献金,人们加深了对某些部落的印象。
Why not? I asked naively. 我天真地问道:为什么?
In short, Knox's proposal was ill conceived and naively made. It does not show sheaths around the vascular bundles. 总而言之,诺克斯的建议考虑不周,显示幼稚。它并没有显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。