Women were not supposed to parade their ambition nakedly. 女性被认为不应该赤裸裸地展示其雄心。
Everything makes our generation so exhausted, says Rey Lee, 31, who has resigned nakedly four times just to get some rest. 今年31岁的ReyLee表示:生活让我们这代人精疲力尽。Rey已4次裸辞,只是为了放松一下。
The new revisionist ring leaders, in order to fight for their survival, went nakedly to play into the reactionary's hands. 新修正主义者的领导们为了自己的生存,赤裸裸地为反动派张目。
It was parked, nakedly alone between a whole string of red no parking and no standing signs. 那辆轿车明晃晃地停在一长排分别标有“不准停车”和“不准站立”字样的红牌子中间。
They were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill. 当他们在光秃秃的山上毫无防备地挤做一团的时候,有人对他们发起了进攻。
Henriette saw the weaving figure of an Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised. 亨瑞特看见一个阿巴切勇士的身影,他骑着一匹没有鞍鞯的马摇摇晃晃地前进,然后举着一把步枪冲过来。
The coats of my growing-up seemed too all-encompassing, too obliterating of the person underneath. That, or just too nakedly arriviste. 在我成长过程中看到的皮草都显得过于厚重以至整个人都陷在里面,或者干脆使穿着皮草的人看上去都像急于显富的暴发户。
Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised. 亨瑞特看见巴勇士身影,骑着匹鞍鞯摇摇,举着把枪冲。
Second, it helps to expose human nature nakedly. 其二,赤裸裸地暴露人的本性。