The fact that many executives serve on multiple boards only reinforces the narrowness of the business leader pool. 实际上,许多高管同时在多家公司董事会任职,这只会让商业领袖的人才库日益枯竭。
And while I may speak more about the narrowness of my very circumscribed life than their real worth, just the fact that they're sitting there, waiting for me, makes me happy. 也许我更经常提到自己那比其实际价值更加狭隘的局限生活,仅仅看着它们坐在那儿,等待着我,我就感到幸福不已。
Given that an election is a market in which politicians offer goods they think voters want, it makes more sense to blame the narrowness on the electorate. 考虑到大选是一个政客们提供他们认为选民想要的商品的市场,把议题狭窄归咎于选民更讲得通。
One who is entirely dependent upon the manual alphabet has always a sense of restraint, of narrowness. 一个完全依赖手写字母来交流的人总会感觉到处处受限。
Two beds taking up nearly the whole space, the narrowness of this house could even barely allow a small area for a table. 就在这狭小的里间,还被两张床占去了几乎所有空间,只留下不足一面桌子大小的地方。
Urethra damage showed the temporary filling defect or rigid marginated narrowness, with typical damage history. 尿道损伤则表现为暂时性的充盈缺损或边缘较僵直的狭窄段,有典型的外伤史;
Narrowness is worshipped far and wide. 狭窄正受到广泛尊崇。
Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination. 我们本位主义的狭隘性和傲慢文化是一个危险的结合。
The shortcoming of Zen aesthetic studies lies in the narrowness both of research methods and perspective. 禅美学研究的不足在于研究方法、研究角度存在着视野狭窄的问题。
Elementary discussion on treating bronchial tuberculosis narrowness under bronchoscopic cryosurgery 低温冷冻治疗支气管内膜结核所致气道狭窄作用探讨
As for the determination of the boundary between the Zhujiang River and the sea, the river mouth cross section, which is changing from narrowness to broadness while the river running into the sea, can not be regarded as the boundary line. 大河河海划界不能简单地把河流入海由窄变宽的口门断面作为河海分界线。
The educator must free himself of his own narrowness and confusion, by knowing himself completely, and be unafraid of looking into his own conditioned mindset. 为人之师必需摒弃分裂,混乱和狭溢的思想状态,首先完全的认识自我,无畏惧的深入观查自己的面俱一&层层被人世经历所程序化的心态。
Higher oxygen concentrations, the presence of combustibles, and the narrowness of the surgical field during endolaryngeal diode laser surgery are risk factors for airway fires. 较高的氧气浓度、助燃物的存在,以及狭窄的手术视野是从事二极体激光喉内视镜手术之危险因子。
Regarding the understanding of "dance" and "modern dance," to different degrees of narrowness many people simply believe that it is an artistic activity only for professionals. 而且在对“舞蹈”或“现代舞”的理解上,存在不同程度的狭囿,简单地认为它是一项专属业内人士的艺术活动。
Middle age is when broadness of mind and narrowness of waist change places. 人到中年就是思想的宽度和腰围的纤度对调。
Due to the sudden narrowness of the estuary, the flood flowed higher and higher. 因河口急骤缩小,洪水流势愈来愈大。
The narrowness of the streets caused many traffic problems. 街道狭窄,造成很多交通问题。
For all its complacency and narrowness, the Davos consensus did actually serve the world pretty well in the 30 years running up to the financial crisis. 达沃斯的共识尽管存在自满与狭隘,但它在金融危机爆发之前的30年里的确对世界起到了有益的作用。
Windows in various sizes that show outside views were installed to resolve narrowness of the space. 大小不同的窗户展示户外的景色,它们的存在解决了空间的狭窄感。
Attending international meetings enabled the Chinese Red Cross to come out from narrowness, closeness and move into the world; 中国红十字会参加国际性会议,使其得以走出狭隘、走出封闭、走向世界;
He criticized the narrowness of the range of opinion represented. 他对意见所体现的范围的局限性提出了批评。
I have done so myself, castigating Chinese policymakers for the narrowness of their perspective. 我自己就这样做过:严厉斥责中国政策制定者视野狭窄。
After a popular broadcasting of the TV series "Dwelling Narrowness", a rational reflection on it ensues. 电视剧《蜗居》热播过后,理性的思考紧随而来。
One notable exception the housing drama "Dwelling Narrowness", which struck a chord for a public worried about property costs was canceled and later criticized by officials. 房地产题材剧《蜗居》是一个明显的例外。这部剧引起了为高房价而忧虑的公众的共鸣,一度遭到停播,后来受到官方的批评。
I could not avoid communicating to her something of what lay hardest upon my mind and particularly the narrowness of my circumstance. 我免不了告诉她一些压在我心头上的最沉重的事情,尤其是我财力拮据的情况。
You may don't know, I rated you lightly when you wasted money, in fact I wasn't narrowness, I just was afraid you get the fault of wasting. 你可能不知道,当你乱花钱的时候我轻轻地责骂你并不是我小气,而是我怕你养成大手大脚的坏习惯。
The integrity of the teaching content and the relative narrowness of teacher knowledge; 教学内容的综合性与教师知识面相对狭窄的关系;
14 ears manifested enlargement or narrowness of vestibular window only. 仅前庭窗异常14耳,表现为前庭窗扩大或狭小。
He is blamed that his setting is too narrow, but his narrowness has its own significance. 有人指责其小说背景过于狭窄,但这个狭窄背景更具有其特殊意义。
It also clearly pointed out that since the ambiguity of the theory itself caused the narrowness effects on TCM. 同时也清晰地指出由于此理论本身的模糊性所导致的对中医药学影响的狭隘性。