In his debut earnings call with investors, page made nary a mention of social. 佩奇与投资者的首度收入会议对社交网络只字未提。
There is a terrifying antique doll, hovering ghost-hands that clap, and self-slamming doors, but nary a meat hook in sight, or even much blood. 它囊括了让人毛骨悚然的古董玩偶,发出拍手声的徘徊不去的幽灵之手,自己砰砰关上的房门等元素,但完全看不到钩人的肉钩,场景也不是非常地血淋淋。
In an ill-fated PR stunt, the trio of area government officials are shown appearing to float over the surface of a road, casting nary a shadow in a bid to promote a local road construction project. 这次倒霉的公共关系表演中,三个地方政府官员看起来像是悬浮在路面上,且连人的影子都没有,此举是为了推广一个当地道路建设项目。
You frivolously throw away the lives of your people while your own king sits atop his throne of lies, nary lifting a finger to help. 当你恣意的将你的人民的性命全抛洒出去时,你的国王却安稳的坐在如同谎言的王位上,连伸出一个手指帮忙都不肯。
Yo u're no t ordi nary at all. 你一点也不普通。
Erik Machado, an audio engineer heading to work in New Jersey, was unfazed and passed by the scene with nary a glance at the nightmares walking around. 埃瑞克查里多,一位在新西兰工作的音频工程师,平静的穿过现场,对四处走动的僵尸连看都不看一眼。
Nary a form field, object model, or core validation logic component to be found anywhere. 完全没有什么表单栏、对象模型、核心验证逻辑组件之类的东西。
LOOK at him standing there, a great big movie star in a great big movie, the Iron Man with nary a trace of human frailty. 他在一部大制作电影里饰演了一个毫无人类弱点的“钢铁侠”,于是他以一个伟大的电影明星的身份,站在了我们的面前。
Divorce or not, the girl's dead and he's shed nary a tear. 不管离婚与否,老婆死了一滴眼泪也没掉。
As for the buttons, they provide good tactile feedback and make nary a sound& all without feeling mushy. 而说到按键部分,它们提供良好的敲击回馈,几乎没有声音,而且没有软趴趴的感觉。
It can relieve stresses, and the nary blue is depressant. 它可以缓解压力。深蓝有镇静作用。
Shopping into a brand new hotel room with nary a scuff mark on the floor is the lodging equivalent of the new car smell. 步入刚落成的酒店客房,崭新的地板上不见一丝脚印,那种感觉,与闻到新车的味道如出一辙。
The police dragged that river forthree days, and nary a gun was found. 警方在河里打捞了三天,并没有找到任何枪支。
The police dragged that river for3 days and nary a gun was found. 警察在河里打捞了整整三天,根本没有找到什么枪。
The application of the blasting compaction method in the earth works of Shenzhen Nary Base sea in thick slob region is introduced. 工程实践表明,爆破排淤法处理填海围堤工程软基,是一种行之有效的施工方法。
We'd had nary to eat but parched corn since october. 当时我们从十月起就只有烤玉米可吃。
Constructing Index System of Diathesis of Health Carders of Nary 海军卫生技术干部素质评价指标体系构建
Although there are different views about its conclusive clinical effect, Off-pump coro-nary artery bypass surgery ( Off-CABG) has been becoming developmental tendency of coronary artery disease surgery recently. 尽管对其确切的疗效仍有不同的看法,但非体外循环下冠状动脉搭桥术(Off-CABG)在临床上已经成为冠心病外科治疗的发展趋势。