
英 [ˈnɑːstɪə] 美 [ˈnæstiər]

adj.  极差的; 令人厌恶的; 令人不悦的; 不友好的; 恶意的; 令人不愉快的; 危险的; 严重的


  1. ADJ-GRADED 令人不快的;令人厌恶的;恶劣的
    Something that is nasty is very unpleasant to see, experience, or feel.
    1. extremely nasty murder...
    2. This divorce could turn nasty.
  2. ADJ-GRADED 恶毒的;恶意的;凶相的
    If you describe a person or their behaviour as nasty, you mean that they behave in an unkind and unpleasant way.
    1. What nasty little snobs you all are...
    2. The guards looked really nasty...
    3. Mummy is so nasty to me when Daddy isn't here.
  3. ADJ-GRADED 邋遢的;低劣的;下流的;污秽的
    If you describe something as nasty, you mean it is unattractive, undesirable, or in bad taste.
    1. ...Emily's nasty little house in Balham...
    2. That damned Farrel made some nasty jokes here about Mr. Lane.
  4. ADJ-GRADED 令人担忧的;难对付的
    A nasty problem or situation is very worrying and difficult to deal with.
    1. A spokesman said this firm action had defused a very nasty situation.
  5. ADJ-GRADED (伤口、疾病等)严重的,恶性的
    If you describe an injury or a disease as nasty, you mean that it is serious or looks unpleasant.
    1. My little granddaughter caught her heel in the spokes of her bicycle — it was a very nasty wound...
    2. Lili had a nasty chest infection.
  6. N-PLURAL 令人不快的人(或事);危害别人的人(或事)
    Nasties are unpleasant or harmful people or things.
    1. ...evil organisations, peopled with nasties...
    2. Decaffeinated coffee still contains some stimulants and other nasties linked with cancer.
  7. See also: video nasty


  1. Much nastier has been the assertion that Mr Obama once backed a bill that would give kindergarten children comprehensive sex education.
  2. Others argue that there has been a ratcheting up of meanness& that the changes in technology have made us nastier and more cynical.
  3. The fungus it escapes from the caterpillar it has killed each spring is coveted for its medicinal properties: strengthening the immune system, neutralizing the nastier side effects of chemotherapy, and the like.
  4. In "blade II", actress Leonor Varela played Nyssa, part of the vampire aristocrat that enlists blade to help them fight some even nastier new type of vampires.
  5. On Thursday, the spat between Japan and South Korea turned nastier.
  6. In those days, if you were a boy you had to wear a stiff Eton collar every day, and schools were usually nastier than now.
  7. Fourthly, with financial markets "priced to perfection", it worries that any fall in asset prices could be much nastier than the traditional risk models suggest.
  8. But as I went on, a nastier thought occurred to me.
  9. Global imbalances now look nastier than before, with a very pointed stick heading in the direction of emerging markets, he adds, advising governments in these countries to maintain a firm discipline on fiscal policy in the good times to come.
  10. The hope, voiced always in a whisper, is that a nastier Taliban would then be comprehensively rejected by ordinary Afghans.
  11. In the coming months the country may have a chance to break with the worst excesses of corruption, or else slide into even nastier civil conflict.
  12. "In the immediate term we may be diminishing tumor burden, but the long term effect is to have a much nastier tumor than there was to begin with," Quaranta said.
  13. Branding him a "fugitive" online, the cyber assault on Gao's character turns even nastier when his home is attacked and a manhunt sponsored by a Web site to locate and interview him turns violent.
  14. Although the Taliban insurgency is getting nastier, little suggests that the Afghan people are being pushed towards an Anbar-style "awakening".
  15. But the protest seemed to take a nastier turn on Monday with a grenade attack on another army barracks in Bangkok, though it is unclear who is responsible.
  16. The costs of doing nothing, meanwhile, range from prolonged stagnation in America to a worsening recession in Britain and a far nastier one in the euro zone.
  17. That leaves political risk around Iran as the most likely reason for this latest price surge, rather than any nastier structural issue.