I've saved the best, nastiest code for last. 我将最好的、最困难的代码留到了最后。
While China is signing energy deals around the world, cosying up to even the nastiest regimes, Japan's attempts to secure its long-term oil supplies have gone awry. 前值中国能源紧缺四处缔约,虽蟒蚁之邦亦不辞之时,日本长期原油供应亦何其危哉。
This is Boggis, Bunce and Bean, three of the meanest, nastiest, ugliest farmers in the history of this valley. 他们是伯吉斯、邦斯和宾啊,这山谷历史上最卑鄙、最肮脏、最丑陋的三个农场主啊。
The new financial sobriety reflected in this proposal sees risk as the cause of the current crisis, if not the nastiest four-letter word in the English language. 这一提议中反映出来的新金融理智,认为“风险”即使不是英语中最令人厌恶的粗话,也是造成当前危机的根源。
Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way. 外交是以最好的方式去做和说最恶劣的事。
The nastiest thing in life is not about selling your body. 人生最肮赃的事并不是出卖了自己的肉体。
"Oh, you have the nastiest way of making virtues sound so stupid." “真讨厌死了,唔,你总是把品德说得那么一钱不值。”
World stock markets have survived the nastiest test yet of a slow-moving but relentless crisis that has persisted since credit markets suddenly seized up in July. 自去年7月份信贷市场突然失灵以来,这场缓慢而无情的危机就一直在持续。但迄今为止,全球股市经受住了最为严峻的考验。
To do the nastiest thing in the world with you. 为了和你做世界上最肮脏的事。
This, along with GC holes are some of the nastiest issues to troubleshoot. 这和GC漏洞都是一些最烦人的问题。
If the dear leader really is on his last legs this is a golden opportunity to resolve one of the nastiest legacies of the cold war. 如果金正日真的已走到生命的尽头,这正是解决冷战遗留下来的一个最棘手问题的黄金时机。
I survived by being the nastiest piece of work. 我活下来因为我够坏。
Did I meet the nastiest of them all. 我竟然在这里看到了无赖中的无赖。
Some of Blackwell's nastiest words were reserved for Camilla, the wife of Prince Charles, who finished No.2 on the list. 位居排行榜第二的是查尔斯王储的夫人卡米拉,布莱克威尔对她的评价更为难听。
But policymakers should bear in mind that the nastiest effects of expensive credit will be felt in the coming months by small businesses, which have the fewest borrowing options. 但政策制定者应牢记,未来数月,小型企业将感受到借贷成本高昂最严重的后果它们在借贷方面的选择最少。
Some think South Africa should consider forcibly confining unco-operative patients carrying the nastiest germs, however much that would flout individual liberty. 对待那些携带顽固病菌却又不肯就医的患者,有人认为南非政府应当采取强制手段,就算严重地侵犯了个人自由也顾不得了。
Even the flimsiest of science fiction or the nastiest of horror stories or the most intricate of spy novels uses this as the mortar to bond together its narrative. 即便是最天花乱坠的科幻小说、最荒唐无稽的恐怖小说和最错综复杂的间谍小说也都用这些元素作为粘合叙述的灰泥。