In fact, Parkin said she was surprised by the incredible nastiness toward women in postcards created in the early 20th century. 事实上,帕金说自己看到20世纪早期的明信片对女性的难以置信的恶意时非常惊讶。
I was quite surprised at the nastiness there was at that board meeting. 我对那次董事会议上的恶言恶语深感意外。
Discussion on Estimation Method for Regional Pollution Based on Atmospheric Environment Parameters ( British) unpleasant nastiness; used especially of nasty weather. 探讨用大气环境参数评估地区污秽的方法(英式英语)让人感到不快的污秽的东西;尤其用来指恶劣的天气。
The hellish noise, the roaring, swearing, and clamor, the stench and nastiness, joined to make the place seem an emblem of hell itself. 那种地狱般的嘈杂,吵闹,咒诅,骚扰,臭气,龌龊,使那地方好像是地狱的象征。
But it does remind them that the Stasi was at the heart of the regime's nastiness. 但它提醒人们,史塔西曾处在东德政权阴暗面的核心位置。
I'm thinking about describing the nastiness of human beings, the sordid part of relationships. 我正在考虑描述人类的不洁,人与人关系中利欲熏心的方面。
The point is to make the code cleaner, but the intermediate states will typically have all the old nastiness plus the intended solution mixed together. 关键是代码要变清晰,但是干了一半儿的活儿通常会是旧的混乱加上新的方案混合在一起。
And I'm gonna ignore your nastiness. 就不生你的气了。
If he continues to hone his low-post moves and develops some nastiness around the glass, he could wind up as another Elton Brand. 这可不是什么低端目标,而且仅仅追求这样的目标还是不够的,哪怕加内特依然在森林狼掌控一切。
In some cases this knee-jerk nastiness will help drive companies to bankruptcy, destroy jobs and damage the economy and society-while the banks will not even get much of their money back. 在某些情况下,这种动辄翻脸不认人的表现会推动公司破产、员工失业、损害经济和社会而银行也收不回很多资金。
Not to neglect decency, or cleanliness, for fear of falling into Nastiness. 不可忽略体面、清洁,否则会赃的不堪。
He doesn't understand nastiness or hypocrisy. 它不懂污浊和伪善。
She looked at me with a sympathy in her eyes which more than compensated for Wolf Larsen's nastiness. 她含着同情的眼光望着我,这倒可以抵过海狼赖生的侮辱而有余。
Unfortunately, many workplaces today ignore, forgive or even encourage nastiness. 不幸地是,许多职场如今是在忽视、原谅,甚至去鼓励这种肮脏。
This game won't be remembered as one of the better ones in the storied Lakers-Celtics rivalry, but it did have a few moments of the physical nastiness that defined their matchups during the1980s. 这场比赛不会成为湖人与凯尔特人的经典赛事载入史册,但比赛中确实有几个不干净的动作,就像十九世纪八十年代这两支球队比赛一样。
The style, methods, and rhetoric of opponent of the war descended to a level of nastiness. They played me a dirty trick to suit their purpose. 反战派所使用的方式、手法和语言堕落到如此卑劣的地步。为了达到目的,他们对我耍卑劣手段。
You give her some nastiness? I know you gave her some serious nastiness. 你让她吃苦头了吗?我知道你会让她吃足苦头的。
You forget his nastiness to their faces because he's nice behind their backs. 你忘记了他在当着他们面时的丑陋,因为在他们背后他很友善。