This was a troubling essay on the anatomy of nationhood. 这是一篇剖析民族主义的让人不安的文章。
Throughout the Balkans, there is a close identification of nationhood with language. 整个巴尔干半岛上,国家地位与语言有着非常密切的联系。
Great care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family. 花费了很多心力反复灌输国家与家庭观念。
To them, the monarchy is the special symbol of nationhood. 在他们看来,君主制是独立国地位的特殊象征。
The growing market for Chinese contemporary art is a good indicator of what the developed world looks for in the arts of the emerging nations: not only novelty value, but also a feeling that the art is helping to define those countries 'sense of nationhood. 日益增长的中国当代艺术市场,很好地表明了发达世界在新兴国家艺术中所寻找的东西:不仅在于新奇价值,还有一种艺术正在帮助界定这些国家的民族认同感的感觉。
Since the beginning, Chinese have never been introduced the concept of nationhood or social identity. Average Chinese are only acquainted with the meaning of family and close kin; 从一开始,中国就没有被视作成一个国家概念或社会身份,一般来说中国仅仅意味着家庭或宗族组成的群体。
There are also the teeny countries that may be hoping to profit from their very nationhood: St. Kitts and Nevis, Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda& all are targeting Chinese investors. 同样还有一些小国家希望能够从他们的国家地位中获益:圣基茨岛,尼维斯,瓦努阿图共和国,安提瓜以及巴布达都将目标定位于中国投资商上。
Field attachment programme of the nationhood programme; 建国方案外地实习计划;
SUN Zhong-shan, who is a banner of the revolution of1911, devoted all his life to the rejuvenation of the nationhood, the unity of the country. 作为辛亥革命旗帜的孙中山先生,他一生献身于民族振兴、国家统一大业的高尚情怀和伟大品格,今天在海内外华人中仍然有着极大的感召力。
We should seize the chance for development, promote the reform and the opening to the outside and realize the great revival of Chinese nationhood. 我们必须抓住发展机遇,推进改革开放,实现中华民族的伟大复兴。
Now they were fiercely proud of their nationhood, passionately patriotic. 现在,他们都为有了自己的国家而骄傲,他们有炽热的爱国心。
The Catalans, among other disaffected European groups, see Scottish independence as a harbinger of their own bid for nationhood. 加泰罗尼亚人(catalans)和其他心怀不满的欧洲民族将视苏格兰独立为他们自己建立独立国家的先声。
It is an essential part of our nationhood. However, their functions are presupposed by topic relevance, which is the premise of discourse coherence. 它是我们立国的必要条件。话题相关是实现语篇连贯的必要条件。
He led America out of revolutionary victory into infant nationhood. 他领导美国取得革命胜利,进而建立一个新国家。
It is from their celebrities that many Americans derive their sense of nationhood. 许多美国人正是从他们的精英身上找到了民族自豪感。
Harper said the issue of quebec's nationhood should not be decided by the federal government but by the Quebec legislation. 哈珀是在魁人党提出新提案之前发出的该提案,哈珀说,本来魁北克的事不应该由联邦政府来决定。
On the Characteristics of the Process of Dominion of Canada for Complete Nationhood 论加拿大自治领取得完全国家地位过程的特征
United Nations Trust Fund for the Nationhood Programme of the fund for namibia; 联合国纳米比亚基金建国方案信托基金;
Holland at this time was proud of its reputation as the model of liberty, virtuous capitalism and nationhood. 此时的荷兰为其作为自由、完美的资本主义和独立国家的榜样而引以为豪。
To try to suppress nationhood and concentrate power at the centre of a European conglomerate would be highly damaging and would jeopardize the objectives we seek to achieve. 试图抑制国家,将权力集中在欧洲大集团的中央,会造成极大的破坏,并损害我们力争实现的目标。
It is an essential part of our nationhood. 它是我们立国的必要条件。
The political instability of the Arab world is in turn connected to another problem: the missing glue of nationhood. 阿拉伯世界的政局动荡与另一个问题也紧密相连:在对独立国家的认同上他们缺少凝聚力。
Tens of thousands of people celebrated in the capital Juba as the flag of South Sudan was raised at the tomb of the rebel leader John Garang, who led the fight for nationhood. 南苏丹国旗在已故苏丹反对派领导人约翰•加朗(JohnGarang)的陵墓缓缓升起的时候,数万人在首都朱巴举行庆祝活动。
And perhaps most important of all, it means believing in the independence of the individual as part of the fabric of nationhood, and fighting for that independence. 或许最重要的是,它意味着信奉个人独立,使之成为国家观构成的一部分,并为这种独立而战。
It integrates theory with practice, the spirit of the age with nationhood, and variety with the leading feature. 具体表现为理论性与实践性统一、时代性与民族性统一、多样性与主导性统一。
On Lu Xun's study of Nationhood in China 论鲁迅对中国国民性的研究
The leadership of the Party sets the overall situation of Chinese socialist construction as well as the process of the revival of Chinese nationhood. 党的领导决定着中国社会主义建设的全局,决定着中华民族复兴的进程。
At present, we should strengthen the studies, making it play a bigger role in history process of the Chinese revival of nationhood. 当前更应加强对《四库全书》的研究,使其在中华民族复兴的历史进程中发挥更大的作用。
After the Opium War, China becomes semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step, facing the subject of the revival of nationhood. 鸦片战争后,中国一步步沦为半殖民地半封建社会,面临着民族复兴的时代课题。
But stated in the judicial practice in our country is in an awkward position, combined with the legislation on the roughness and the parties statements such evidence is different form the striking feature of other evidence, the parties statements or nationhood in practice application. 但我国司法实践中当事人陈述还是处于一个尴尬的地位,加之立法上的粗糙以及当事人陈述这类证据不同其它证据形式的显著特征,当事人陈述在实践中的运用还是屡屡碰壁。