These products natively send events without adapters or instrumenting code to emit Common Base Events. 这些产品无需适配器或检测代码即可内在地发送事件以发射公共基础事件。
This feature provides the ability to natively store documents or messages in XML in a database. 这个特性能够原生地将文档或消息以XML格式储存在数据库中。
It is highly recommended to use an operating system that natively supports the ZFS filesystem to take advantage of all the features and performance. 强烈推荐使用对ZFS文件系统提供本机支持的操作系统,以便充分利用所有的特性和性能。
Wasn â™ t it mentioned earlier that you can monitor any processes running natively in WebSphere Process Server? 前面不是提到可以内在地监视WebSphereProcessServer中运行的任何流程吗?
Many applications implement similar row and column-based security access mechanisms natively. 很多应用程序在本地实现类似的基于行和列的安全访问机制。
You can use the libraries demonstrated here to extend any software tool to natively handle these file formats. 您可以使用本文中所展示的这些库扩展任一软件工具,以便本地处理这些文件格式。
Developers working natively with that operating system become familiar with frameworks such as Cocoa [ 2]. 使用这种操作系统的开发人员非常熟悉诸如Cocoa[2]这样的框架。
Enter FESI, a script interpreter written natively in the Java language, which makes it portable to all operating systems and hardware systems supporting the Java platform. FESI登场了,它是写在Java语言内部的脚本解释程序,这也就使得它能移植到所有支持Java平台的操作系统和硬件系统中去。
There are some testing tasks that must be run natively in the production environment. 有一些必须在产品环境上运行的测试任务。
The operating system or application can run natively or as a virtual machine on the client operating system. 操作系统或应用程序可以直接运行,也可以作为虚拟机在客户机操作系统中运行。
DB2 V9: This is a hybrid database system utilizing pureXML technology to store XML data natively. DB2V9:这是一种混合数据库系统,利用pureXML技术在本机存储XML数据。
DB2 pureXML introduces the ability to natively store XML hierarchical data within a hybrid database that understands XML as well as relational data. DB2pureXML在可同时理解XML和关系数据的混合数据库中引入了使用原生方法存储XML层次结构数据的功能。
Perhaps there will soon be a day when these browsers support XForms and XHTML natively, therefore simplifying the consumption of these Web applications by end users. 也许将来有一天这些浏览器本身都支持XForms和XHTML,从而大大简化了最终用户对这类Web应用程序的使用。
Note that the "description" and "comments" column of the "product" table are of type XML ( in other words, the "description" and the "comments" XML documents are stored natively in the database). 注意,“product”表的“description”和“comments”列是XML类型的(换句话说,“description”和“comments”XML文档原生存储在数据库中)。
A nice thing about SVG is that you can view it in most modern Web browsers, either natively or through plug-ins. 令人高兴的是,您可以在多数新式Web浏览器中查看SVG,可以在本机也可以通过插件查看。
The update stored procedure described in this article enables partial updates to XML documents stored natively in the database. 本文描述的更新存储过程允许对本机存储在数据库中的XML文档进行部分更新。
Most modern web browsers support hidden natively. 大多数现代Web浏览器都为hidden提供了原生支持。
Natively supported double-click support for Java applications arrived with the executable JAR file. 对Java应用程序的可执行JAR文件实现本机支持双击的日子到来了。
This article focuses on the ability to report on the XML data stored natively in XML columns in DB2. 本文重点介绍如何为在DB2中以XML列形式原生存储的XML数据生成报告。
The requesting JavaScript application now has an exact copy of our PHP object, enumerated in a way that is natively understandable by JavaScript. 请求JavaScript应用程序现在有一个完全相同的PHP对象副本,并使用JavaScript天生就能理解的方法列举了该副本。
For XML documents stored natively in DB2, there is no out-of-the-box functionality for performing sub-document updates. 对于本机存储在DB2中的XML文档,不存在用于执行子文档更新的开箱即用的功能。
Handling exceptions natively in the JNI code itself, though unavoidable sometimes, leads to performance degradation. 使用JNI代码本地处理异常,尽管有时不可避免地会导致性能下降。
JAX-RS runtimes natively support the same types for deserialization as they do for serialization. 对于反序列化,JAX-RS运行时支持与序列化相同的类型。
S3FS stores files "natively and transparently in S3," and you can enable local caching to minimize downloads. S3FS“自然、透明地在S3中”存储文件,还可以启用本地缓存以尽可能减少下载量。
Often, this is because it is implemented natively as part of the VM itself. 通常是因为它是作为VM本身的一部分实现的。
NPIV with a VIOS, utilizes virtual FC devices to present disk ( and tape) natively to the client LPARs. 具有VIOS的NPIV利用了虚拟的FC设备来将磁盘(和磁带)本机地呈现给客户机LPAR。
Fedora provides two programs which make it very simple to natively compile your package. Fedora提供了两个程序,使得本地编译包的工作变得更简单。
This version allows running Gtk+ applications natively on Mac without X11. 3版本可以让开发人员在没有安装X11的MacOS上运行Gtk+应用。
The tag's class attribute specifies that record identity values will be generated natively by SQL Server. 标签指定数据库记录的标识列的值由SQLServer数据库原生生成。
However, as a AJAX based RIA web applications provider, we believe a real web application should natively support web standards such as HTML and CSS. 不过,作为基于AJAX的RIAWeb应用提供商,我们认为一个真正的Web应用应该从本质上就支持HTML、CSS这些Web标准。