You may have to experiment with this to achieve a natural-looking flow to the end-result animation. 您可能必须反复对此进行实验才能使最后的动画效果自然。
The standard of sculpting is excellent with well proportioned anatomy and realistic, natural-looking poses. 整套兵人雕刻水准很高,人物比例真实,姿态自然。
Lightweight powder bronzer creates a natural-looking, sunny glow. Blends, builds easily to your desired level of bronze. 轻盈的古铜色粉创造出自然的妆容,非常容易的创造出你想要妆容。
The actor's baldness was cleverly concealed by a very natural-looking toupee. 演员的秃顶被一个很自然的男用假发巧妙地隐藏了。
By the end of this course, you will be more knowledgeable of Follow-through and Overlapping Action, which will help you create more natural-looking animations. 到本课程结束时,你会更熟悉的后续行动,通过与重叠,这将帮助您创建更逼真的动画。
Make-up this season is unobtrusive and natural-looking. 这个季节的化妆是和谐的,看上去很自然。
Compared with traditional walking robots, passive dynamic walkers have more natural-looking gait and higher energy efficiency. 与传统的主动步行机器人相比,被动步行机器人具有步态自然、能量效率高等优点。
The simulation results show natural-looking self-organized phenomena which are more obvious and appealing in high density or complex situations compared with existing classical models. 仿真结果显示,该方法在仿真群体时能够获得较为自然的自组织现象,与现存其他几种方法相比,这种现象在复杂环境或者高密度情况下会更加明显。