Research on Stability and Model Creation of NCSs 网络控制系统的模型建立及稳定研究
Based on lots of laboratory tests, influence factors and variable rules of the NCSS compression strength are analyzed. 在大量试验基础上,本文首先分析了影响纳米硅水泥土抗压强度的因素和变化规律。
The delay-dependent stability of networked control systems ( NCSs) with uncertainties and multiple time-varying delays is investigated in this paper. 通过该方法,能够分析和判定具有多时滞和不确定性网络控制系统的时滞相关稳定性。
NCSS algorithm particularly suits to the situation of large amounts of data. NCSS算法特别适合于数据量大的场合。
The NCSs are replacing the traditional point-to-point control systems that have not satisfied with new requirements. 传统控制的点对点通讯方式已经不能适应某些新的要求,基于网络控制系统正在取代这种方式的控制系统。
Pointing out three control modes in NCSs; 指出了网络控制系统的三种控制模式;
Exponential stability and controller design problem for dynamical output feedback networked control systems ( NCSs) with network-induce delay and data packet dropout is studied. 在同时考虑网络诱导时延和数据包丢失的基础上,研究了动态输出反馈网络控制系统指数稳定性和控制器设计问题。
Feedback control systems wherein the control loops are closed through a real-time network are called networked control systems ( NCSs). 通过实时网络构成的闭环反馈控制系统,被称为网络控制系统(Networkedcontrolsystems,简称NCSs)。
Specifically, a class of multi-input multi-output ( MIMO) NCSs with time-varying delays is described a time-delay system. 即把一类带有时变时滞的多输入多输出(Multi-inputmulti-output,MIMO)网络控制系统描述为一个时滞系统。
These constraints make the analysis of NCSs more complex than traditional control systems and may cause destabilization. 这些现象可能会导致传统的控制系统不稳定,同时也使得网络化控制系统的分析较之传统控制系统显的更加复杂。
The obstacles of NCSs such as; transmission delays and data-packets dropout induced by the insertion of data networks in the feedback adaptive control loops are also considered. 研究中考虑了在自适应反馈环中插入数据网络后,传输时延与数据包丢失对网络化控制系统带来的障碍。
Networked Control Systems ( NCSs) is a spatially distributed feedback control system for which the communication between sensors, actuators, and controllers is supported by a shared communication network. 网络控制系统(Networkedcontrolsystems,NCSs)是指通过通信网络实现典型空间分布的传感器、控制器和执行器之间的信息交互,来对被控对象进行控制的反馈系统。
Networked Control Systems ( NCSs) are distributed control systems in which sensors, actuators, controllers, and other units are connected together. 网络化控制系统(Networkedcontrolsystems,NCSs)是将控制系统的传感器、执行器和控制器等单元通过网络连接起来的分布式控制系统。
Some simulation experiments for the given systems on real network are realized on the platform, thus a comparatively better simulation environment for design and analysis of NCSs is provided. 实现了对给定系统在实际网络上的仿真实验,从而为NCSs的分析和设计提供了较好的仿真环境。
The co-design of control and scheduling in NCSs is a key future direction, which needs further research. 网络控制系统的控制和调度的联合设计是目前的热点研究方向,需要进一步地深入地研究。
Based on the moving optimization strategy, the state estimation and controller design problem are respectively investigated for NCSs in this thesis. 本文针对NCSs中的时延、时序错乱、丢包和量化,研究了基于滚动优化策略的状态估计和控制器设计问题。
This thesis investigates some stability and robust control problems of networked control systems ( NCSs), and some behavior of swarm under digital communication network. Firstly, the stability of networked system based on data packed is studied. 本文研究了离散网络化控制系统(NCSs)的镇定、鲁棒控制以及数字网络下群体的行为。第一,研究了基于打包的网络化系统的镇定。
Based on the proposed two methods, state feedback controllers are also designed, and relation between the delay variation rate and system performance is explicitly established for the NCSs. 4. 基于这两种方法给出了系统稳定化控制器的设计方法,并建立了时延变化率与NCSs性能之间的关系。
In this dissertation, the modeling, analysis, and control of NCSs with uncertain network quality, such as network-induced delay, packed dropout, and limitation of bandwidth are deeply studied by applying the robust control and stochastic control theory. 本文结合随机控制和鲁棒控制理论,对存在网络环境因素(数据丢包、带宽的限制和扰动、网络时延)影响的网络控制系统的建模,稳定性分析、鲁棒控制设计等问题进行了深入的研究。
The optimal tracking performance of single-input-single-output NCSs based on SNR constraints is proposed in this dissertation. 基于通信信噪比约束提出研究单输入单输出网络化控制系统的最优跟踪性能问题。
The major research content of this paper is the modeling method, stability analysis and the controller design of the NCSs with time-delay. 本论文主要研究内容为具有时延的网络控制系统的建模、稳定性分析和控制器设计。
Comparing with the conventional point-to-point control systems, NCSs present a number of advantages, such as low cost, reduced system wiring, ease of system diagnosis and maintenance, and increased system agility. 与传统的点对点的控制系统相比,这种网络化的控制模式避免了控制节点间专线的敷设,减少布线,易于系统的诊断和维护,增加系统结构的灵活性,有效的降低了系统成本。
In this thesis we studied stabilization of NCSs when induced time-delay and network packets dropping are considered. 1. 本文分别对网络诱导时延和数据包丢失的网络控制系统进行了分析和研究。
The application of grey control theory to NCS is studied by regarding NCSs with uncertain time delays and data dropouts as a gray system. 3. The information scheduling scheme is studied. 将具有不确定性传输迟延和数据丢包的网络控制系统视为灰色系统,研究了灰色控制理论在网络控制系统中的应用。
With the advancement of control technology and the rapidly development of control systems, a novel distributed networked control system emerged: Networked Control Systems ( namely, NCSs). 随着控制技术的进步和控制系统的快速发展,一种新型的分布式的网络化控制系统应运而生:网络控制系统(即NCSs)。
Then, for short time delay, the stochastic control of infinite horizon NCSs is studied based on linear time-invariant system and two steps transformations. 然后基于线性时不变系统和两步变换,研究了短时延NCSs无限时间的随机控制,设计的控制器可以使NCSs均方指数稳定。
However, now the researches referred to switched singular NCSs ( networked control systems) are rare. 但是目前涉及切换广义网络控制系统的研究还是较少。
Therefore these negative factors have to be taken into account in analysis and synthesis of NCSs, and it is known that time-varying packet losses and variable sampling can be equivalently deemed as time-varying transmission intervals. 因此,在分析和综合网络控制系统中,必须考虑到这些不利因素,并将时变的数据丢包和可变采样等效地视为时变的传输间隔。
These issues can degrade the performance of control systems and can even destabilize the system, which make the analysis and design of NCSs complex. 这些问题的存在,不但会降低控制系统的性能,甚至导致系统的不稳定,从而使得对NCSs的分析和设计变得十分复杂。