The neckband of the sweater is too small. 这件毛衣领口太小。
Lan Hui secretly white eye, actually want to vibrate four the elder brother's neckband howl for a while: Who Be getting more scared? 澜惠暗地里白了个眼,很想摇着四阿哥的领子咆哮一下:谁害怕了?
Comfortable nose clip is lightweight and waterproof. Flexible plastic construction and rubber neckband ensure a secure custom fit. The settling precipitates can also entrap colloids which it passes bringing them down. 轻巧舒适的鼻夹使用起来非常方便。橡胶质地。正在沉降的沉淀物也能夹带胶体使其沉淀。
The product inlays a demountable-type neckband the neck belt, and is convenient for the users. 本品在唐装领口内镶一条可拆式的颈带,方便用户随身配挂。
Each product undergoes another set of individual tests, including a seal check, count check, expiration date check, carton check, label and bottle check, neckband check and lot number check. 每个产品进行另一套个人测试,包括印章检查,计数检查,到期日检查,纸箱检查,标签和瓶检查,领子检查和批号检查。
Can't get this sweater over my head-the neckband's too tight. 这件毛衣我套不进去,领圈太紧。
Discussion on the Technical Design of Rib Neckband in Woolen Sweater 羊毛衫罗纹领工艺设计探讨
Developed Method of Programming Calculation of Neckband Curve of Turndown Forming Unit 翻领成型器领口曲线的程序计算展开法
Calculation of Neckband Curve of Turndown Forming Device 翻领成型器领口曲线的设计计算
MATLAB-based Spreading and Visualization of the Neckband Curve of a Lapel Shaping Device Design of the Collar Bag Former 基于MATLAB的翻领成型器领口曲线的展开及可视化