This call for a worldwide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one's tribe, race, class, and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all mankind. 我呼吁全世界的人们团结一心,抛弃种族、肤色、阶级、国籍的隔阂;我呼吁包罗一切、无条件的对全人类的爱。
China needs a peaceful and stable neighboring environment for development. We will always work for good neighborly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation with our neighbors, and will properly manage differences and disagreements with them. 中国的发展需要一个和平稳定的周边环境,将持之以恒地坚持致力于周边的睦邻友好和互利合作,妥善管控矛盾和分歧。
We maintain that it is necessary to draw lessons from history, set our eyes on the future and properly handle the existing problems and disagreements so as to make new improvements in the friendly relationship and good neighborly cooperation between the two countries. 我们主张以史为鉴,着眼未来,妥善处理存在的问题与分歧,使两国睦邻友好合作关系取得新的发展。
Optional upgrades and in-game items can be purchased at the returning neighborly shopkeeper, Crazy Dave, but according to PopCap, the vast majority of the game will be free: Players will be able to access every level and kill every zombie without spending a dime. 根据PopCap游戏公司,在游戏中,玩家可以选择去邻居疯狂的戴夫那儿购买升级,以及一些游戏中的小玩意儿。但是绝大多数还是免费的:玩家不花一分钱也可以通关,大战僵尸。
A resident of Old Greenwich since 2001, Ms. King says that sort of neighborly outreach is the custom in a community where people's yards don't extend much beyond their houses. 金从2001年起就成了老格林威治的居民。她说,在这样一个各家的屋外庭院都伸不出多远的社区里,那种从邻里间延伸出来的相互关照,已经成了一种风俗。
( Most Nigerians are profoundly religious, and even many nonbelievers attend services, compelled as often as not by neighborly tradition rather than pietistic pressure.) (大多数尼日利亚人都笃信宗教,甚至还有很多非信徒参加礼拜,这通常是街坊传统使然,而非虔诚信仰的压力。)
Gonna be neighbors, you might as well be neighborly, right? 邻居就该像邻居的样子,和睦相处,对吧?
We will continue to follow the long-term policy of pursuing good neighborly relations and partnership with our neighbors, and be a good neighbor, good partner and good friend of ASEAN forever. 我们将长期奉行“与邻为善、以邻为伴”的方针,永远做东盟的好邻居、好伙伴、好朋友。
Lu Tzu-hsiao of the History Department had paid him a very cordial, neighborly visit, so one afternoon Hung-chien returned the call. 历史系的陆子潇曾作敦交睦邻的拜访,所以一天下午鸿渐去回看他。
For several years, Beijing's leaders and diplomats have labored hard to portray their homeland as benign, well mannered and neighborly. 几年来,北京的领导和外交官努力把他们的祖国描绘成一个和蔼的、有礼的、友好的国家。
An incidence coloring of graph G is a mapping from the incidence set I ( G) to color set C such that any two neighborly incidences are assigned different colors. 图G的关联着色是从关联集I(G)到颜色集C的一个映射使得任意两个相邻的关联不着同色。
As everyone gathers together they seem as close as family, and these close neighborly relations give people a warm feeling in their hearts. 大家在一起就像一家人一样亲切,这样的邻里关系让人心里暖暖的。
Well, now, I consider that right neighborly. 好啊,大家都是好邻居。
We're real neighborly, and we take care of our own. 我们很友好,都很照顾自己。
The farmer nodded in a neighborly way. 那个农民友好的点了点头。
For example Coase theorem can explain Neighborly relations, and the function of inalienability system is to resolve externality and common pool resource problem. 例如,可利用科斯定理对相邻关系进行解释,而对处分权的限制也是为了解决外部性问题和公共性问题,以提高资源利用效率。
Keep good neighborly and friendly relations and safeguard the stability of perimeter, improve the overall national strength, realize the military modernization. 实行睦邻友好,维护周边稳定;提高综合国力,实现军事现代化。
The fifth section interprets Neighborly relations and Inalienability by using the methods of law and economics to reveal the reasons of the limitations of ownership. 第五部分运用法经济学方法对相邻关系和处分权的限制进行分析,以解释所有权限制的原因。
Generally speaking, strengthening good neighborly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation are in the basic interest of the two countries, the two sides should ponder rationally and handle carefully their relations to maintain the overall situation of the development of the Sino-Japanese relationship. 从总体看,中日加强睦邻友好和互利合作关系是两国根本利益之所在,双方宜理性思考、慎重处之,以维护中日关系发展大局。
Section 2, Brief introduction of foreign neighborly relations First, it introduces the neighborly relations contents and characteristic of Roman law, France law, German law, Japan law and Switzerland law. 外国相邻关系制度概述。首先介绍了外国罗马法、法国法、德国法、日本法、瑞士法中有关相邻关系制度的内容、突出特征,并对其进行简要评价。
Then introduces the contents of Taiwan region neighborly relations institution. 其次对我国台湾地区的相邻关系制度的内容进行了介绍。
We must proceed from Chinese specific conditions and draw on and assimilate the British scientific and rational way'good neighborly relations police services ', to promote police reform and the gradual improvement in the'three basics'the deepening project. 我们要从我国的具体国情出发,科学合理地借鉴和吸收英国睦邻警察服务的经验,以促进我国警务改革的逐步完善和三基工程建设的深入推进。
Looking forward to the post-Yeltsin era, amid the grand pattern of continued development of the strategic cooperative partnership between China and Russia, the economic and trade cooperation and friendly neighborly relations along the border areas will continue to maintain a positive development trend. 展望后叶利钦时代,在中国和俄罗斯战略协作伙伴关系继续发展的大格局中,两国边境毗邻地区的经贸合作和睦邻友好关系仍将保持积极的发展势头新新邻里关系在萌动(英文)
With the establishment of the good-neighborly and mutual-trust partnership between China and Mongolia, the political relationship of the two countries will surely be upgraded and the economic and trade cooperation will also enter a brand new phase of development. 随着中蒙睦邻互信伙伴关系的建立,两国政治关系的不断提升,中蒙经贸合作也将步入一个崭新的发展阶段。
And as the important protective screen in north China, to maintain a good neighborly and friendly relationship with Mongolia is the major diploma policy choice in the begging of a new century for China, which is suffering the course of peaceful rising. 蒙古国作为中国北方安全的重要屏障,对和平崛起中的中国来说,与蒙古国保持睦邻友好关系是中国新世纪初重要的周边外交政策选择。
Over the years, Mongolia and China will always pursue the good neighborly and friendly policy. 多年来,蒙中两国始终奉行睦邻友好政策。