
n.  (拉)神经



  1. Objective To explore microanatomical shape on intermedius nervus and its relations to adjacent tissue and structures.
  2. ObjectiveTo observe projections of nervus auricularis vagi in brain stem of oblongata level, and to study the mechanism of auricular acupuncture.
  3. This is because the sugar metabolic block causes the nervus autonomic function disorder, makes the sweat gland secretion to increase the result.
  4. The origin and course of the nervus abductor digiti minimi pedis and the numbers and distribution of its sensory branches were observed on 40 sides of adult cadavers.
  5. Studies on the segmental distribution of sensory neurons of nervus tibialis in goats& by means of HRP
  6. Responses of neurons in the somatosensory area I to noxious electric stimulation of nervus peroneus communis the study of intracellular potentials
  7. During stimulation of nervus alveolaris inferior with relatively stronger single pulse, the evoked discharges from the neurons in spinal trigeminal caudal nucleus ( STCN) with microelectrodes were recorded.
  8. Methods: The nervus opticuses and optic canales of 29 patients to be diagnosed as traumatic optic neuropathy by clinical means were scaned using 2 mm axial scans with 2 spacing.
  9. The functions of nervus electrophysiology were examined on the model rats of diabetic peripheral neuritis induced by streptozotocin.
  10. Results In groups treated with hirudo ( in contrast with the control one), the cerebral edema descended, the necrotic lesion of the nervus tissue and the neuron ischemic changes reduced, new capillaries, gitter cells, astrocytes, neuroglial fibres and argentophil fibres increased obviously.
  11. A Study on Convalescing of the Physiological Function of Albino Rat's Nervus Ischiadicus Treated by Low Energy Laser in Different Wavelengths
  12. Methods: The pathological models of the cervical nerve roots under chronic compression were created with the superficial magnetic stimulated MEP monitoring and pathological examination of nervus tissue under injury in different degrees.
  13. In relation to the resection of the nervus intermedius, the clinical significances of its type, course, rootlets and communicating branches were discussed.
  14. Method and clinical significance of preserving pectoral nervus in modified radical mastectomy of breast cancer
  15. Conclusions The injury of laryngeal nerve and nervus laryngeus superior, the inflammation of the stoma, the stenostomia, and the dyskinesis of stomach play important part in the happening of postoperative aspiration.
  16. [ Conculsions] Familiarity of thyroid anatomic structure, and skillful operation of celioscope, unfurling nervus laryngealis recurrens, and good anesthetic method are the effective approach to prevent and reduce all kinds of complications.
  17. Non-operative Treatment for Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus Complicated with Nervus and Vascular Injuries
  18. Previous studies have shown that cholecystokinin octapeptide ( CCK-8) in the central nervus system is a potent anti-opioid substance which plays an antagonistic role on EA-induced analgesia.
  19. Players, after training, always use some physical means to remove their fatigue, but neglect the quick recovery and improvement of central nervus system energy made by mental recovery.
  20. Methods After finger bone, muscle tendon, proper arteria and proper nervus were repaired, following the routine orders of replantation, the venae digitales palmares was found and anastomosed.
  21. Influence on Nervus Phrenicus Electric Potential of Rabbit under Normal Respiration or Asphyxiation with Electro-acupuncture in the Ear-top point
  22. Non Nervus Tissue Interfascicular Transplantation to Repair Nervus Defect
  23. Electronic government affair is the strategic forerunner of the construction of the digital city and the nervus centralis of the digital city.
  24. This sickness including coronal atherosclerosis heart disease, diabetes myocardiopathy, capillaries pathological change and nervus autonomici function disorder result arrythmia and so on [ 3].
  25. The parasympathetic innervation mainly originates in the middle and caudal parts of the dorsal motor nucleus of the nervus vagus ( DMV).



  1. any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body

      Synonym:    nerve