Study on the Current Situation and the Existing Problems of the Entertainment Netnews Topic 网络娱乐新闻专题的发展现状及问题研究
Analysis of Chinese Netnews Communication Theory Research 1994年以来中国网络新闻传播理论研究进展分析
As a result, Comment of Netnews is worthy of being studied. 因此,正确认识网络新闻评论并对其负面影响进行控制具有一定的研究价值。
A Study on the Quantity Statistic Laws of the Netnews Media Population in China 我国网络新闻媒体种群的数量统计规律初探
This thesis summarizes the rise and history of development of Netnews Communication Education in Chinese, and put forwards innovation Netnews Communication Education theories is the foundation of it, and then analyses the intention and ways of Netnews Communication Education. 本文总结了网络新闻传播教育在中国的兴起和发展的历史,提出网络新闻传播理论的创新是网络新闻传播教育的基础,进而对网络新闻传播教育的目的和方法进行了分析。
That is the spring up of the netnews commentary. 网络新闻评论是迥异于传统媒体新闻评论的一种新的评论形式。
It analyzed the competition and combine of netnews commentary and traditional news commentary. 网络评论与传统媒体新闻评论既相互竞争,又相互补充,相互借鉴、共同发展。
Netnews Discourse Analysis: A Critical Approach 网络新闻话语批评分析
How to treat advantages and disadvantages of Comment of Netnews is important. 正确看待网络新闻评论的利与弊,趋利避害,必然能促进社会进步;
Comment of Netnews is appraisal idea about current news on web. 网络新闻评论是指在网络媒体上发表的,就当前新闻事件或事态发表的评价性意见。
Attempt to issue netnews of medicine in Chinese medical sci-tech journal websites 中文医学期刊网站中发布专业网络新闻的探讨
Netnews tort is a special conduct of tort caused by the issuance of improper Netnews on the BBS by users. 网络新闻侵权是由用户在BBS上发布不当网络新闻引起的特殊侵权行为。
Netnews Communication Education is an important part of News Communication Education. 网络新闻传播教育是新闻传播教育的重要的组成部分。
The important difference between netnews commentary and traditional critique lies in the characteristics of interaction. 网络新闻评论与传统新闻评论的重要区分在于其交互特性。
On Traditional Journalism and Netnews 试论网络新闻与传统新闻
With the fast development of network, traditional medium is changing into network medium. Netnews publication and service develop very fast. 互联网的发展使传统媒体正在向网络媒体转变,新闻出版业逐渐迈入网络时代,由此产生了网络新闻。
Language Links Analysis of Netnews Context 网络新闻语境的语链分析
A Study of University Campus Netnews 高校校园网络新闻研究
Comment of Netnews has positive and negative functions. 第三部分从积极作用和负面影响两个方面阐述了网络新闻评论的功能。
With the all-round development of the China Education and Research Network, university campus netnews now is in the ascendant. 随着中国教育科研网建设的全面发展,高校校园网络新闻方兴未艾。
The relation and the difference are also be expatiated between Comment of Netnews and Traditional Comment. 总结了网络新闻评论与传统新闻评论的联系与区别。
It will be the main developing tendency to realize mutual-benefit and complement each other by competition and co-operation between the netnews and the traditional journalism. 竞争与合作是当今网络新闻与传统新闻优势互补、相得益彰的主要发展前景。
The constructing strategy of language links on netnews editing can be discussed with the stand of fractal theory. 可以以分形理论为立足点探讨网络新闻编辑的语链建设策略。
Then we wonder whether the characteristics of Netnews will make it free from the influence of the ideology and whether the CDA theories can help to cultivate the critical awareness of language for the Netnews readers. 那么我们就要思考是否网络新闻的上述特点致使网络新闻语篇不带有某种意识形态了呢,CDA理论能否帮助网络新闻读者培养起自己的批评性语言意识呢。
In the political Netnews, CDA theories can help the readers to cultivate the critical awareness of language, thereby strengthening their ability of reading comprehension and anti-controlling. 在网络新闻的政治性语篇领域CDA理论有助于培养读者的批评性语言意识从而提高阅读技能,增强对网络新闻语篇的反控制力。
In addition, it used the methodology which is combine the qualitative and quantitative research methods when expounding the Status and Problems of the entertainment netnews topic. 在对网络娱乐新闻专题的现状和问题进行阐述的时候,则采用了定性和定量相结合的研究方法得到相应结论。
Netnews comment has rich connotation, which includes netnews review, BBS, net forum, news notes, etc.. 网络新闻评论的内涵很广,它包括网络时评、BBS、论坛、新闻跟帖等。
Emergence and development of netnews will lay a solid foundation for audience-centered theory. 网络新闻传播的产生与发展,为受众中心主义奠定了坚实的基础。
Then, there are several data in the demonstration to describe the dissemination and the reception, the features of the entertainment netnews topic. Next, the paper has discussed the performances and causes of the existing problems. 接下来,文章从网络娱乐新闻专题的现存问题表现和成因进行了深入分析和探讨。
The author believes that the audience initiative is effected by the its selective psychology, self-fulfillment psychology, participating psychology and role-playing psychology in the process of netnews communication. 笔者认为,在网络新闻传播过程中,受众能动性受其选择性心理、自我实现心理、参与交流心理、角色扮演心理等多方面因素影响。