Neuroscientists tell us that as our brains evolved, they learned to take perceptual shortcuts to save energy. 神经系统学家告诉我们,大脑在不断进化,在这个过程中,大脑通过采用感知性捷径,节约能量。
Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with age. 此外,神经学家还发现人们越老越快乐。
Neuroscientists have shown over and over that attention is the requisite condition of learning and thus of boosting intelligence. 神经学家一次次证明注意力是学习能力的必要条件,因而也有助于提高智力。
According to the results of a series of experiments conducted by Harvard University neuroscientists, the reward areas of our brain – the same areas that respond to primary rewards such as food and sex – are activated when we talk about ourselves. 哈佛大学神经系统学家们做了一系列实验,结果显示,我们大脑的奖励区也就是对食物和性等主要奖励做出反应的区域在我们谈论自己的时候会被激活。
But in the last decade neuroscientists have overthrown this idea in favor of a more malleable brain. 但过去的十年里,神经学家推翻了上述观点,转而支持大脑可塑性观点。
Over the last decade, neuroscientists distinguished two systems of attention and associated thought. 过去十年来,神经学家总结出两种有关注意力和思考的系统。
Neuroscientists are tracking which regions of the brain are activated when we spin lies. 神经学家们则在探究在我们编造谎话时究竟是大脑的哪个区域被激活。
Geneticists, neuroscientists, psychologists and religious scholars have all taken stabs at answering, with unsatisfying results. 这个问题遗传学家、生理学家、心理学家和宗教学者都曾试图回答,结果却都不令人满意。
According to neuroscientists, plasticity in the brain is at its peak in the growing and learning individuals. 根据神经科学家的研究,大脑的适应力在成长期和学习期的个体身上达到巅峰。
A study by neuroscientists at New York University, published last year in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that even mild stress can make it difficult to control your emotions. 纽约大学的神经系统科学家们去年在美国国家科学院学报上发表了一项研究。他们发现甚至连轻微的压力都会让人很难控制情绪。
The developers worked with neuroscientists to pick music most likely to inspire workers to enter the zone. 开发商和神经系统科学家合作,挑选出了最有可能激发工作者进入工作状态的音乐。
Neuroscientists are beginning to understand the brain mechanisms underlying learning and how shared brain systems for perception and action support social learning. 神经系统科学家开始理解隐含在学习中的大脑机制,以及用于感知与行为的共享大脑系统是如何支持社会学习的。
Neuroscientists have shown that environmental experiences significantly shape the developing brain because of the plasticity of its neuronal connectivity. 神经科学家已经证实环境感受对发育脑的影响较大,因为神经元的结点具有可塑性。
Neuroscientists have long believed that the brain's so-called episodic memory circuits are largely involved in remembering past events or occurrences. 神经科学家们长期以来都认为大脑的间歇性的记忆回路与对过去的事件和状况的回忆有着密切的联系。
And cognitive neuroscientists have discovered that dreams and the rapid eye movement ( REM) that happens while you're dreaming are linked to our ability to learn and remember. 认识神经学家已经发现,梦和你入梦时的快速眼动(REM),与我们的学习、记忆能力是相联系的。
In the1930s, neuroscientists began to record these impulses with implantable electrodes. 世纪30年代,神经学家开始用可植入体内的电极记录这些脉冲。
Lo trained initially as an economist, but he has also spent part of his career trying to knit together the work of psychologists, neuroscientists, biologists and economists. 罗闻全最初接受的是经济学的系统训练,但他在工作后将部分时间用来试图将心理学家、神经科学家、生物学家和经济学家的工作结合起来。
Some neuroscientists study the way that information is encoded in neural activity and other dynamical variables of the brain. 一些神经科学家研究资讯在神经行为中被编码的方式和大脑的其他动态变数。
Over the last few years, neuroscientists and psychologists have just begun to focus on all of these most elusive, precious and human characteristics. 在过去的数年中,神经学家们和心理学家们才刚刚开始把注意力放在所有这些最为难以捉摸却宝贵、带有人性特点的品质上面。
A team of economists and neuroscientists has now identified a brain region that seems to play a critical role. 一个经济学家和神经学家团队目前确认,脑内某一区域在其中具有关键作用。
Over the past two decades, molecular neuroscientists have identified key molecules and mechanisms that underlie synapse development, activity and stability. 在过去的二十年中,分子神经科学家已确定的关键分子和机制,突触发育,活性和稳定性的基础。
For decades, neuroscientists have theorized that the brain "time stamps" events as they happen, allowing us to keep track of where we are in time and when past events occurred. 数十年来,神经学科的科学家在理论上推测人类的大脑中有一部分细胞可以为在大脑中为我们日常发生的事件打上“时间标签”,这样我们可以及时回想起过去发生事情的时间。
Most people would call it inspiration, but neuroscientists prefer the more modest title of "insight". 多数人会把这叫做“灵感”,可神经科学家们更乐意用“洞察力”这个比较含蓄的词。
Over the past year, the prospective brain hypothesis has gained steady support among neuroscientists. 在过去的一年中,前瞻性脑力假设不断地得到神经学家们的支持。
Now few neuroscientists are satisfied with the description that certain brain areas are involved in a particular brain function. 目前,神经科学家对某些脑区参与了某个特定脑功能的这种描述已不会感到满意。
Neuroscientists have also identified unconscious memory systems that mediate emotional learning. 神经科学家也已经找到了调控情绪学习的无意识记忆系统。
Evolutionary psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists have puzzled over this one. 进行心理学家和认为神经学家,都对这个现象很困惑。
In an experiment with profound medical and ethical implications, neuroscientists have for the first time enabled an apparently unconscious patient in a persistent vegetative state to communicate through her thoughts. 神经科学家进行了一次在医学和伦理学方面意义深远的试验,并首次让一位明显丧失意识、处于持续植物状态(persistentvegetativestate)的病人通过其思维进行了交流。
Yet neuroscientists have been left largely to their own devices, restrained only by standard codes of medical ethics and experimentation. 然而神经科学家留下了大量的他们自己的装置,仅仅受到标准的医疗道德和试验准则的限制。
This classic optical illusion was created several years ago by neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 这一视错觉经典图像是麻省理工学院神经系统科学家们几年前制作的。