Genuinely sympathetic to his employer's grief, he would reply neutrally, stifling his impulse to state that the crash was just an accident. 里斯-琼斯从心里同情这位老板的悲伤,回答时不置可否,压下了告诉他这只是一次事故的冲动。
A: I think the job of an interpreter is to convey messages as faithfully and neutrally as possible and not to attract attention to oneself. 我认为口译员的工作就是传递信息,而不是突出自己。
Usually this involves taking a picture of a neutrally colored object and then using that to calibrate the white balance. 通常,这涉及到一个对象的图片,然后用中性色,要校准白平衡。
That goes against the custom of treating all sites neutrally. 这有悖于所有网站中立对待的惯例。
An individual who neutrally pronates initially strikes the ground on the lateral side of the heel. 一个人正常跑步时首先是后跟外侧触地。
He said, neutrally," come in, rudy. you're a little late. " 他不露倾向地说:“进来,鲁迪,你来晚了一会儿。”
Censorship of opinions and points of view is not applied, however, content is intended to be pertinent, factual, notable, verifiable with cited sources, and neutrally presented. 虽然网站对于用户的看法和观点不进行审查,但是,用户所发布的内容应该切题、信息真实、所引用内容有据可查、态度中立。
The wise person observes neutrally, allowing no acrimonious feelings to distort his perceptions of truth. 智者中庸地观察着,不让任何偏激的感觉扰乱他对真理的觉察。
China responded more neutrally. 中国的反应更为中立。
The neutrally charged water was attracted to the negatively charged balloon because the water molecules were polarized. 由于水分子被极化,不带电的水即被带负电荷的气球吸引。
When the actors acted neutrally or positively to an object, the babies happily played with them. 当演员对某件物品反应平淡或积极时,孩子们会开心地玩它;
Under the condition that all the generalized thermodynamic coordinates participate in the entropy production, the term proportional to time will arise when only one neutrally stable equilibrium coordinate exists in the hidden ones and the generalized thermodynamic coordinates are given in the form of step function; 当只有一个中性稳态平衡坐标出现在阴坐标中且热力学广义坐标以阶跃函数给出时,在所有热力学广义坐标都参加孤立系统熵增的条件下,显解中将出现与时间成正比的项;
These matrices are usually affected by the nature of the generalized thermodynamic coordinates, say, the number and location of the neutrally stable equilibrium coordinates and those participating in the entropy production of the isolated system. 另一方面,系数矩阵的性质又有赖于热力学广义坐标的特性,即中性稳定平衡坐标和参加孤立系统熵增过程坐标的状况。
A description is given of the application of the finite element method to solve the two-dimensional neutrally stratified surface-layer flow problems over terrain. 本文在定常和中性层结条件下应用有限元法初步建立了一个能够处理二线复杂地形上边界层问题的数值模式。
The Step Criteria of Linear Multi-step Methods for Neutrally Delayed Differential Equations 线性多步法求解中立型延迟微分方程的步长准则
Preferential Alignments of Neutrally and Negatively Charged A-centers in Silicon under < 100> Uniaxial Stress 硅中负电态和中性态A中心在<100>单轴应力下的择优取向
Besides, it plays various important roles in genome evolution either selectively or neutrally. 除此之外,重组可通过选择或突变的方式在基因组进化过程中扮演着很多重要角色。
Public service advertising discourse, with its emphasis on public interest, seldom arouses discussion on its ideology. It is generally thought to be neutrally instrument conveying information and delivering expectancy. 得益于对公共利益的强调,公益广告很少引起公众对其意识形态的讨论,而且通常被认为是一种中立的传递信息和表述期望的工具。
This dissertation argues that the 2008 Beijing Olympics-related news discourse, like any discourse, is never an instrument neutrally conveying information, but ideologically invested. 本论文主张北京奥运相关新闻语篇像其它普通语篇一样,绝不只是一个不偏不倚的传递信息的工具,而是赋予意识形态意义的。
During the war, the regional power groups took the opportunity to rise one after another. Some of them crusaded against Yuan Shikai by force, others declared neutrally. At the same time, they expanded their influence. 在护国战争期间,各地方实力派纷纷借机崛起,或武力讨袁,或宣布中立,并乘机扩大了各自的势力。
As a whole, the two papers presented to the reader the medium image of the city inspector is objectively and neutrally. 从整体上来说,两报为读者呈现的城管形象这一媒介现实是客观、中立的。
The administrative proceedings 'functions of solving disputes neutrally and promoting social improvement have been questioned generally, the legal culture to achieve individual rights through courts and the classical judicial mode out of it have been the target of widespread criticisms. 行政诉讼所具有的中立解决纠纷、促进社会进步等职能受到普遍质疑,通过法院实施个人法律权利的法律文化以及由此而生的经典司法模式成为众矢之的。