And if I ever find her, We nevermore will part. 一旦我能将她找到,我们再也不会分开。
The Tathagata enters Nirvana, and if he is nevermore to return, We and all beings shall have no one to protect us. 如来进入了涅磐,他不会再回来,我们和所有的生命,没有人能保护我们。
Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday's accomplishments nor will I indulge, anymore, in self-praise for deeds which in reality are too small to even acknowledge. 我将永远不再满足于昨天的成绩我也不会搞,再在自我赞美的行为实际上太小,甚至承认。
Nevermore will I my master's tears to you deplore. 我不再为主人为你流泪而遗憾。