N-COUNT (某组织定期发送的)内部通讯,简报 A newsletter is one or more printed sheets of paper containing information about an organization that is sent regularly to its members.
The organization now has around 18,000 members who receive a quarterly newsletter. 该组织现有大约18,000名成员,他们会收到一份内部通讯季刊。
For instance, you may need to make fliers and brochures or to generate email newsletters from the data stored in Lotus Domino. 例如,可能需要创建传单和小册子,或从LotusDomino中存储的数据生成电子邮件时事通讯。
Blogs& Blogs can be newsletters, announcement mechanisms, and vehicles for evangelizing your project, but they are a lot of work and so are often neglected. 博客&博客可以是时事通讯、公告机制和宣传项目的载体,但它们很复杂,因此常常被忽略了。
E-zine Directories-Online directories of periodically published electronic newsletters. 电子通讯录锌-网上电子通讯名录,定期公布。
However, you will not be able to purchase items or receive email newsletters. 但是,您将不能购买产品,也不能收到以电子邮件形式发送的时事通讯。
Would you like to have newsletters of your choice delivered regularly to your Inbox? 您愿意让新闻通讯定期发送到您的收件箱中吗?
Unsubscribe to newsletters or magazines that you don't read. 退订不读的传报或杂志。
Generated letters, memoranda, reports, forms, newsletters and brochures. 制作信、备忘录、报告、表格、通讯,及手册。
For example, you can create brochures, business cards, postcards, letterhead, envelopes, flyers, and newsletters that all use the brocade design. 例如,可以创建都使用“织锦”设计方案的小册子、名片、明信片、信头、信封、传单和新闻稿。
Modules allow communication with customers via newsletters, email and a Web interface. 允许通信模块与客户通过通讯,电子邮件和网络接口。
Newsletters can be structured in different ways, and can include peer rating of each posting. 讨论区可以按照多种不同的方式组织,还可以对每个帖子进行相互打分。
The next phase will be the long-term involvement of the public sector in biosafety negotiations through working groups, meetings and newsletters. 下一步将是公共部门在生物安全性协商中的长期参与,他们将通过工作组、会议和时事通讯等方式进行参与。
To sign up, click Free Newsletters on the Options page. 若要注册,请单击选项页上的免费新闻通讯。
Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its Newsletters. 约翰霍浦金斯医院最近在其新闻发布稿中透露了上述讯息。
Registration gains the user access to informative newsletters, special deals& promotions and freebies. 注册获取对情报时事通讯的用户存取、特别成交&促进和免费的东西。
People working a shift on a large site do not have time to read newsletters or log on to websites. 在一个大工地上轮班工作的人,是没有时间看简讯或登录网站的。
Information more readily available: newsletters, public communications including media, brochures, and web sites have been created. 更易获得可用信息:已经设立了简报、包括媒体在内的公众交流、手册和网站。
Molly: I haven't learned that yet from Xianzai's Cutural English newsletters. 莫莉:我还没有从现在网的文化英语电子杂志里学到这个。
After that, newsletters will be sent to you on a regular basis. 之后,新闻稿将定期发送到您的邮箱中。
In internal communications-such as newsletters, bulletin boards, and memos-praise and encourage exemplary behavior both on and off the job. 在内部沟通时例如时事通讯、布告栏和备忘录赞许并鼓励工作上和工作外的模范行为。
If you are so certain that these newsletters contain nothing of interest, waste no time in reading them. 如果你确定这些通讯没有任何令你感兴趣的东西,那就不要浪费时间去读它。
It aims to issue timely press releases and publishes information in newsletters and on web sites. 它的目标在于发行及时新闻稿和通过时事通讯和网站发布信息。
Related information on bylaws, newsletters, scholarships, and problem plants is provided on this site. 该网站提供有关的规章制度、新闻通讯、奖学金及问题植物的各种信息。
Another use ( which I find very useful) is to redirect to a longer URL, for example in my newsletters I can use a very short URL for my affiliate links. 另一个应用(我发现的很有用的)是重新指向一个长URL,例如在我的时事信息中,我能够使用一个很简短的URL来指向我的联合链接。
Your branch of the public library will have copies of many local reports, studies and newsletters. 你的公众图书馆的分支部门会有许多地区报告,研究和通讯材料。
Using this application, customers can subscribe to receive these newsletters and notifications about promotional events. 使用此应用程序,客户可以订阅接收这些新闻报道和关于宣传活动的通知。
You will be able to sign up for a free account to get newsletters and participate in contests. 你可以免费注册一个帐号来获得电子报及参与测验。
Back copies of community newsletters and local newspapers will contain the recent history of many local issues. 弄一份社区通讯和社区新闻的拷贝会让你了解到最近的许多本地议题的历史。
You can send newsletters to community members. 您可以向社区成员发送新闻稿。
The publication of special editions of newsletters and scientific articles; 出版通讯和科学文章特刊;