The newsreels show him leaping into the air 新闻短片里有他跳向空中的画面。
She now knew, whether correctly or not, that three places had newsreels about the war. 不管正确与否,她现在知道有三个地方放映有关战争的新闻短片。
Use of a published work in newspapers, periodicals, radio programmes, television programmes or newsreels for the purpose of reporting current affairs; (三)为报道时事新闻,在报纸、期刊、广播、电视节目或者新闻纪录影片中引用已经发表的作品;
It was the newsreels, he concluded. I was a pushover for the prettified black-and-white 'truth' they served up. 他总结道:(吸引我的)是一个新闻纪录片,其中美化了的非黑即白的‘真理’打动了我。
It was the newsreels, he concluded. 是因为那些新闻纪录片,他推断。
The old newsreels were filmed in black and white. 老的新闻记录片是黑白胶片拍摄的。
Her husband always knew what they were going to see, asked the times carefully, got to the main picture and avoided newsreels. 她的丈夫对于他们将要看什么总是很清楚,仔细地问好时间,去看正片而不看新闻短片。
I prefer cartoons to newsreels. 比起新闻片,我更喜欢卡通。
She wanted to ask her brother-in-law behind his newspaper what they did to American newsreels here, cut them more? 她想问问报纸后面她妹夫这里是如何对待美国新闻短片的,删剪很多吗?
The rest is the familiar stuff of newsreels. 其余就是新闻影片里人们熟悉的情节了。
Cartoons, newsreels and travelogues are short subjects. We wanted it to feel like a documentary. 动画片、新闻短片和旅行记录片都是短电影片。我们期望影片能拍出记录片的感觉。
On the Creating Ideas of the TV Newsreels Television 电视纪录片的选题电视纪录片创作的创新
Chinese Jurassic Park is a kind of innovation of newsreels. 《中国侏罗纪公园》是纪录专题探索的一种创新努力的体现。
The new mode of newsreel making will afford useful reference for making urban TV newsreels. 这一新的制播模式为城市电视新闻制作提供了有益的借鉴。
New Thinking of Making Urban TV Newsreels& An Analysis of the Style of Program 《 Tall of News 》 of Nanchang TV Station 城市电视新闻制作新思路&南昌电视台《新闻说报》节目风格分析
Since 1990s, the thriving of tourism has accelerated the a large amount of TV programs on traveling, such as news, live shows, entertainment games, interviews, newsreels, and so on. 二十世纪九十年代以后,旅游业的兴旺发展催生了大量的电视旅游节目,呈现出新闻、真人秀、游戏娱乐、访谈、纪录片等多种节目形式。
This article is hoped to be able to reinforce the existent researching production of Beijing Olympic newsreels. 希望本文能对已有的对北京奥运纪录片的研究成果有所增补。
The Chinese workers of newsreels catched hold of this very rare chance of expression, they spread Chinese national culture and exhibit Chinese national spirit to the world with many different fashions. 中国的纪录片工作者抓住这一千载难逢的契机,以多种方式向世界传播中华民族文化、展现中华民族精神,奥运题材的纪录片中的中国式表达手法值得我们关注。
Beijing Olympic games injects new vigor and energy for the creativity and development of newsreels. 2008年北京奥运会为纪录片的创作与发展注入了新的活力与生机。