This week, Newt Gingrich took the lead in national opinion polls for the first time in the race for the Republican nomination. 这一周,全国民意调查显示,在共和党候选人提名角逐中NewtGingrich首次领先。
Eye of newt and toe of frog. 蝾螈之目青蛙趾。
Introducing the current crop of GOP candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich as comic book characters ( featuring appearances from Iron Man, the Hulk and the Green Goblin). 为您介绍这期封面的内容:共和党候选人MITTROMNEY,RickSantorum,RonPaul和NewtGingrich作为漫画角色(钢铁侠,浩克和绿色恶鬼)登场。
Having lived for so long in my fictional universe, I feel very protective of it and I already knew a lot about Newt. 我在自己虚构的世界中生活了很长时间,我很想保护好这个世界,同时也对纽特十分熟悉。
Message to Newt Gingrich: job destruction is an important part of economic dynamism. 纽特金里奇(newtgingrich)得到的信息是:就业破坏是经济活力的一个重要部分。
It turns out that the spotted newt has been observed& in the forest nearby. 结果就是,因为斑点蝾螈在附近森林出现。
And you and newt were the last two to see him alive. 你和纽特是他生前见过的最后两个人。
Among them was former House speaker Newt Gingrich. 这些共和党人当中有前国会众议院议长纽特·金里奇。
Newt Gingrich's life and career have been written about widely. 纽特-金里奇的生活和经历已经在报刊文章中有广泛的记述。
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich telling graduates to carry on falwell's spirit by confronting radical secularism. 前众议院长纽特金瑞契更是鼓励学生们继承杰瑞法维尔的精神,勇敢对抗激进的世俗主义。
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on "Fox News Sunday" that Obama's speech was a good idea if the message is a positive one about completing school. 前白宫发言人NewtGingrich福克斯周日新闻中说,奥巴马的演讲非常好,如果说传达的信息对于完成学业来讲是积极的话。
Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House of Representatives, said he would support military action against Iran only as a last choice. 前众议院议长纽特·金里奇表示,要到了万不得已的情况下,他才会选择以武力手段来解决伊朗问题。
Does newt know what you do on your days off? 纽特知道你在休息日干什么吗?
The manner of speaking had always been Newt's style, even in matters that concerned him desperately. 这种说话的方式是纽特的一贯作风,甚至在一些同他本人关系至关重大的事情上也不例外。
NEWT GINGRICH: Here was a man who had intellectually changed the world without really ever leaving the university. 他是一位从来没有真正离开过大学、用思想改变了世界的人。
Harry will start NEWT-level classes, which will include Potions but not Divination. We'll also learn what career paths Hermione and Ron have chosen. 哈利将开始学习NEWT等级考试的课程,包括魔药课而撤消了占卜课。我们将知道赫敏和罗恩选择的职业生涯是怎样的。
Newt of humid coast from Alaska to southern California. 产于从阿拉斯加到南加利福尼亚的潮湿海岸的蝾螈。
Newt, Why Did You Kill Me? 纽特,你为什麽杀了我?
Newt Gingrich has trumpeted a documentary arguing that Chinese and Indian children are much more academic than American ones. 纽伊特·金里奇(美国共和党众议员)在一份文件中大肆宣扬中国和印度的孩子比美国孩子有着更多的理论学习时间。
The descendants of Newt now reside in the GOP, and they're fighting to be heard. 蝾螈的后代现在属于共和党,他们是战斗听。
Melinda: I always look forward to newt week so I can learn more new words and groovy expressions. 梅林达:我总是在期盼下一周,这样我就可以学习更多的新单词和很棒的表达方式。
Mention Mr Santorum or Newt Gingrich and they wince. 一提及桑托勒姆或纽特金里奇(NewtGingrich),他们就会岔开话题。
Mr Romney needs to force his main rivals, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, out of the race as quickly as possible, as the prolonged contest is draining his campaign of money and the support of independent voters. 罗姆尼需要迫使主要竞争对手里克桑托勒姆(ricksantorum)和纽特金里奇(newtgingrich)尽快退出争夺,因为长时间的提名战正在耗尽他的竞选资金和独立选民对他的支持。
His proposal was rejected by the conservative Republican party-dominated house of representatives, led by controversial Speaker Newt gingrich. 他的计划遭到保守的共和党控制的、由有争议的议长纽特金里奇领导的众议院的拒绝。
Newt that is similar to Taricha granulosa in characteristics and habitat. 在特征和习性方面类似粗皮蝾螈的蝾螈。
Newt imitated a police siren softly. 纽特轻轻地模仿了一声警笛鸣叫。
The Medicare reform process characterises newt gingrich's style. 医疗保健制度改革的过程显示出纽特金里奇风格的特征。
HOUSE: Infection from the needle that the acupuncturist accidentally let sit in eye of newt. 或者是针灸师错用了放在蝾螈眼睛上的针而导致了感染。
You're as pissed as a newt. I'd better get you to a taxi. 你已经酩酊大醉了,我还是把你送到出租车上去为好。