The key here is the next-to-last line: the set-property tag. 这里的关键是倒数第二行:set-property标记。
And look! My last, or next-to-last, of three loved houses went. 看!我三所最喜欢的房子里的最后一所,或者倒数第二所没有了。
At nightfall of her fifth day on the road, Snoopy was in Chicago, her next-to-last stop. 第五天的黄昏,斯努皮抵达了倒数第二站芝加哥。
The author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter; the figures in the next-to-last column. 作者在倒数第二章无意说出了凶手是谁;倒数第二根柱子上的图形。
He injured himselfin a climbing accident on the next-to-last day of his vacation. 他在假期结束前两天攀登时意外受了伤。
As soon as it's removed, one of the remaining vertices must have no successors, so it will be the next-to-last one in the ordering, and so on. 一旦删除它,剩下的顶点中必然有一个没有后继,所以它成为下一个拓扑序列中的最后一个,依此类推。
My story actually concerns my fifth visit to the Church ( and my next-to-last, I might add). 实际上我要讲的故事发生在我第五次去那教堂的时候(我得补充一下那也是我倒数第二次去那)。
President Obama's signature is the next-to-last step in the process of putting the treaty into force. 美国总统奥巴马已经为新的美俄战略武器削减条约签署了批准文件。有关条约将在本周末生效。
Presently, the US provides only 0.17 per cent of gross domestic product in foreign aid to the developing world – far behind its promise of 0.7 per cent and next-to-last place among developed countries. 目前,美国对发展中国家的援助仅占其国内生产总值(GDP)的0.17%,远远落后于当初承诺的0.7%,在发达国家中仅居倒数第二位。