Endometrial receptivity is an important factor in deciding the successful nidation of embryon, of which the successful evaluation is the key link of assisted reproductive technology ( ART). 子宫内膜容受性是决定胚胎成功着床的重要因素,对内膜容受性进行评估是辅助生育技术中重要的一环。
Objective To explore the effects of ovulation simulants on mouse endometrium and embryon nidation and development so as to provide experimental basis for clinical drug administration. 目的探讨促排卵药对小鼠子宫内膜发育的影响,为临床用药提供实验依据。
To observe zygote developmental condition before nidation; 着床前受精卵的发育情况;
In the experiment of fetation interception, no nidation site was found after the administration of ricin and the mixture of ricin and castor bean extract. 在中止妊娠的实验中发现,服用了蓖麻蛋白及其与蓖麻油的混合物的小鼠子宫内没有着床位点。
Conclusions: 1.The expression of MMP-9/ TIMP-1 were gradually higher from the proliferative phase to the secretive phase in ovulation normality women and it is the highest in implantation window phase. This was probably help to the embryonic nidation. 结论:1.排卵正常者MMP-9与TIMP-1的表达从增生到分泌期逐渐增强,种植窗表达最强,可能有助于胚泡着床。
The Influence of the Estrogens and Progestogen on Embryo Nidation in Luteal Phase After Superovulation 超排卵后黄体期血雌孕激素水平对胚胎着床的影响
Conclusions ACAb in women may disturb the embryo nidation in IVF-ET. 结论女性患者体内ACAb可能干扰了IVF-ET中胚胎着床。
Methods: The facilitation ovulation was carried out in 81 cases of infertility. The sperm and mature ovum were transplanted into uterine cavity for the fertilization and nidation. 方法:对81例有适应证的不孕症妇女进行控制性超促排卵,然后将经过处理的丈夫的精子同成熟的卵子一同移植到宫腔,让其受精、着床。
An experimental study of the effect of ultrasound on the nidation of mouse blastocyst 超声波对小鼠胚泡着床影响的研究
And the average of live fetus and ratio of nidation in 3 manganese exposure groups had distinctive difference as compared with control group ( p0.01); 3个染锰组的平均着床数与平均活胎率差异均有统计学意义(P0.01);
Objective To predicate the nidation position of fertilized ovum and guide termination of pregnancy with medicine according to ultrasonic character of uterine membrane of very early pregnancy by transvaginal ultrasound, to increase the successful rate of medicinal abortion, and reduce patient's pain. 目的根据早早孕子宫内膜声像特征,预测受精卵着床位置,指导妇科早期用药物终止妊娠,提高药物流产成功率,减轻病人痛苦。