The sly fox nimbly eluded the dogs. 那只狡猾的狐狸灵活地躲避开那群狗。
He dodged nimbly behind a tree. 他敏捷地一闪身,躲到了树后。
He dodged nimbly and evaded the opponent's punch. 他机敏地一闪身儿躲过对手一击。
At the same time, Netflix has shown it can nimbly adapt to its users 'demands. 与此同时,奈飞也证明自己可以灵活地满足用户需求。
We need the capability to respond more nimbly to business needs by accelerating priority projects. 我们需要这样一种能力,它使得我们通过加速高优先级的项目的方式更快地响应商业需要。
Organizational agility means your organization can react quickly and nimbly to internal problems, external threats, and the changing needs of customers. 组织敏捷性意味着组织能够快速和敏捷地对内部问题、外部威胁和不断变化的客户需求作出反应。
He tells me I can start helping him right now and hops up nimbly, gnome-like. 他告诉我现在就开始,敏捷地跳了起来。
Asked scarlett, leaping nimbly to the floor and gathering up a length of the heavy dusty velvet. 思嘉反问道,一面轻捷地跳下地来,然后将这块因年久尘封而越发沉重的天鹅绒叠好。
Have this selections move forward handicraft producing heat insulation film color stability, through rate selectivity taking form nimbly, the sunlight having the best controls a function. 具有这种选进工艺生产形成的隔热膜色彩稳定、透过率选择性灵活,具有最佳的阳光控制性能。
To move lightly, nimbly, and rapidly. He tore up the stairs two steps at a time. 飞奔轻捷、灵巧、迅速地走动他一步两个台阶地飞奔跑上楼。
The mouse ran nimbly up the horse's leg. 那耗子灵活地顺着马腿爬上去。
Or will Chinese firms adapt nimbly to automation and remain fearsome competitors? 疑惑是中国迅速适应自动化生产,成为令人惧怕的竞争对手?
I bid her be cautious lest she got a fall, and she nimbly disappeared. 我叫她小心点,不然她就要跌下去,她很灵敏地无影无踪。
Few places run the gauntlet of boom and bust more nimbly than Hong Kong, but the latest rally at least passes a few sanity checks. 很少有哪个地方能像香港这样灵活地应对繁荣与萧条,但最近一轮牛市至少通过了一些心智方面的检验。
Already the component standardizes and is seriated since being applied or used universally may deploy according to needing nimbly can shorten designing and making a period. 由于通用部件已经标准化和系列化,可根据需要灵活配置,能缩短设计和制造周期。
It was amazing how he could jump over the rocks as accurately and nimbly as an agile, thin-legged deer. 我惊奇他能在那么险陡、光滑的石头上准确、灵活地跳来跳去,步子就像一只轻盈、敏捷的细腿鹿。
A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel. 一个面色黧黑的少年打开书本,麻利地将它支在书包这座胸墙底下。
He walked so nimbly and with such sure steps that next to him I was like a child. 他走得如此轻快,如此稳健,站在他旁边,我好像一个小孩子。
The safety evaluation methods should be used nimbly in the everyday management on safety 在日常安全生产管理中灵活运用安全评价方法
In the evening, when I lie on my bed, it nimbly strides over my body and flits past my feet. 天黑时,我躺在床上,他便伶伶俐俐地从我身上跨过,从我脚边飞去了。
Attitude toward work having being eager to make progress actively in the aspect, working, ought to speak is to have comparing high administration with treatment ability, is able to transport unexpected turn of events nimbly on the affair handling some. 在工作方面,有积极进取的工作态度,在处理某些事务上,应该说是有比较高的管理和处理能力,能够灵活的运变。
Nimbly scaling an iron gate-Charles Dickens; leaped agilely from roof to roof. 迅速地给铁大门上漆-卡尔.狄更斯;敏捷地从一个屋顶跳到另一个屋顶。
So he took off his clothes nimbly and dived into the cold water with a splash. 他把心一横,三下两下脱了衣服,一头扎进冰冷的河里。
During her speaking, she had nimbly dodged three successive attacks of the old man. 她说话之间,那高老者已连续出手三次,每一次都被钟灵急闪避过。
And he took the stones, but nimbly put a nut into his mouth instead, and crack! He bit open the shell. 他拿起石头,但机敏的用核桃换掉石头放进嘴巴,然后咬开他!
Mr Nehru said east Asian exporters had been nimbly using their currency positioning somewhere in the middle between a falling dollar and a rising euro, with the eurozone now a more attractive target for their shipments. 尼赫鲁称,东亚各出口国机敏地将自己的汇率定位于贬值的美元与升值的欧元之间的中间某处,欧元区如今是对它们更具吸引力的出口市场。
` Pastime, 'said madame, still looking at him with a smile, while her fingers moved nimbly. 打着好玩的,老板娘说,仍然微笑地看着他,同时灵巧地运动着手指。
I particularly admire, my Lord Mayor, the way in which the City has adapted so nimbly to what the Prayer Book calls "the changes and chances of this mortal life". 市长勋爵,伦敦市如此灵活地适应了祈祷书所说的现世生活的变迁和机遇,令我特别钦佩。
The bank under Mr Zoellick has adapted nimbly to the new world that globalisation has wreaked. 佐利克领导下的世行,灵活地适应了全球化带来的新世界。
Many people said that the wife is must roar, but roars the wife is also a knowledge, must work hard the study to be only then good, but must link up nimbly! 很多人说,老婆是要哄的,不过哄老婆也是一门学问,得下功夫钻研才行,还必须灵活贯通!