These data show that nocturia negatively affects both sleep and daytime performance and its impact on work productivity is in line with many other chronic conditions. 这些数据显示,夜尿症对睡眠和白天的表现都造成了负面影响,它对工作效率产生的影响和许多其他慢性病是一样的。
Nocturia reduced work productivity by 24 percent-greater than the productivity loss shown by people with asthma or lung disease, it was found. 研究发现,夜尿症会使工作效率降低24%,这比哮喘病或肺病患者因病导致的生产率损失还要多。
Nocturia-where a person wakes up once or more in a night to urinate-leads to notable work productivity loss, the study presented to the European Association of Urology congress in Milan claims. 这项提交到米兰的欧洲泌尿协会大会的研究称,夜尿症会导致工作效率的显著下降。夜尿症指一个人晚上至少一次起夜排尿。
OAB is characterized by feelings of urgency to urinate, with or without incontinence, and is usually accompanied by increased urination frequency and nocturia ( excessive urination at night). OAB定义为尿急伴有或无尿失禁,常有尿频和夜尿(夜间排尿次数增多)。
To observe the clinical effect of mutual-activating acupuncture on nocturia. 观察互动式针刺法治疗夜尿频症的临床疗效。
Nocturia was defined as needing to void two or more times a night. 夜尿症定义为一晚必需排泄两次或两次以上的症状。
Tamsulosin combined with tolterodine tartrate in the treatment of patients with somnipathy pertained to severe nocturia 坦索罗辛联合舍尼亭治疗严重尿频相关性睡眠障碍的疗效观察
Treatment of the Nocturia, Urinary and Fecal Incontinence by Needle-Pricking Method 针挑刺法治疗夜尿症、尿便失禁67例报告
Hypertension and hypokalemia were present in all cases. Periodic paralysis, nocturia and low specific gravity of urine were other important clinical features. 主要临床表现为高血压、低血钾、周期性麻痹,夜尿多、低比重尿为本病特征之一。
Clinical efficacy ( daily emiction frequency, nocturia frequency, urgency and odynuria degree) and urine kinetic parameters ( FDV, MCC, Qmax) of the 2 groups before treatment, 1 month and 3 months after treatment were evaluated. 观察两组用药前、用药后1月、用药后3月的临床症状(每日排尿次数、夜尿次数、尿急和尿痛程度)和尿动力学参数(FDV、MCC、Qmax)。
In the past few years, various epidemiological trials were conducted to assess the association between LUTS and ED. These studies showed that LUTS, particularly the voiding symptoms, nocturia and the bothers caused by LUTS, independently increased the incidence of ED. 近年来许多流行病学调查对LUTS与ED的关联性进行研究分析,认为LUTS,尤其是其排尿症状、夜尿症状及个人困扰为ED的独立危险因素。
There were significant decrease in frequency of nocturia and an increase in voided urine volume. Improvements were found in residual urine volume and maximum flow rate with statistical significance. 经观察患者夜尿减少,尿量增加,膀胱残余尿明显减少,最大尿流率和平均尿流率显著改善,而副作用小。
Overactive bladder with urgency refers to a syndrome characterized by symptoms, often accompanied by frequent urination and nocturia symptoms, may be with or without urgency urinary incontinence. 膀胱过度活动症是指一种以尿急症状为特征的症候群,常伴有尿频和夜尿症状,可伴或不伴有急迫性尿失禁。
Its clinical manifestation is characterized with polydipsia, polyuria, nocturia, hypertension, hypokalemia, high urinary potassium, hyperlipidemia, high plasma aldosterone level and low plasma renin activity. 临床以多饮、多尿、夜尿增多、血压升高、低血钾、高尿钾、碱血症、高血浆醛固酮及低血浆肾素活性为特征。
The symptom of OAB is mainly urgency, with or without urge incontinence, usually with frequency and nocturia. It is commonly associated with pain or discomfort in reproductive system of clinical patients. OAB主要表现为尿急,伴有或不伴急迫性尿失禁,常伴有尿频和夜尿增多,临床上伴有泌尿生殖系疼痛或不适感的患者也比较常见。