Be sure to add an import org. w3c. dom. NodeList; statement to your code to make this work. 确保将一个importorg.w3c.dom.NodeList;语句添加到代码中,以使其生效。
Will return a NodeList of nodes called names contained within the someElement node. 将返回一个包含在someElement节点中称为names的节点NodeList。
By using the current Node in the NodeList as the context, you have a great alternative to DOM for getting each CD's title. 通过使用NodeList中的当前Node作为上下文,可以很好地代替DOM获取每个CD的标题。
Every NodeList contains a list of Nodes for a particular series. 每个NodeList都包含一个用于特殊级数的Node的列表。
The nodeList event producer notifies when the list of nodes in the cluster changes. 当集群列表中节点发生变化时,nodeList事件创造器会发出通知。
Change nodeList to include the names of the nodes that will be part of the cluster. 将nodeList修改为包含构成集群的节点的名称。
NodeList is the structure used to return the list of nodes from the evaluation of your XPath. NodeList是一个结构,用于从XPath计算中返回节点列表。
Define the MAC addresses of the nodes in the mac table, then define the nodes to the nodelist table. 在mac表内定义节点的MAC地址,然后在nodelist表内定义节点。