PREFIX (置于形容词和名词前构成形容词,指不具有某一特质或特定方面)表示“非”,“无” Non- is used in front of adjectives and nouns to form adjectives that describe something as not having a particular quality or feature.
...non-nuclear weapons... 非核武器
...non-verbal communication. 非言语交流
PREFIX (置于名词前构成名词,指某一特定行动尚未或不会发生)表示“不”,“未” Non- is used in front of nouns to form nouns which refer to situations where a particular action has not or will not take place.
He was disqualified from the council for non-attendance... 他因缺席而被该委员会免除了资格。
Both countries agreed that normal relations would be based on non-interference in each other's internal affairs. 两国一致同意正常邦交关系应建立在互不干涉内政的基础之上。
PREFIX (置于名词前构成名词,指不属于某一特定群体或类别的人)表示“非”,“不” Non- is used in front of nouns to form nouns which refer to people who do not belong to a particular group or category.
Children of smokers are more likely to start smoking than are children of non-smokers. 吸烟者的子女比不吸烟者的子女更有可能会抽烟。
Coca-Cola is the best-selling soft ( non-alcoholic) drink in the world. 可口可乐是全世界销路最好的软饮料(不含酒精的饮料)。
In the south, slavery is a way of life, even for non-slave owners. 在南方,奴隶制是一种生活方式,对非奴隶主也是如此。
You have no need to fear a non-existent supernatural devil. 你无需害怕并不存在的超凡恶魔。
We are entitled to cancel the contract which become overdue owing to the buyer 'non-performance. 我们有权取消因买方不履行而过期的合同。
This is a non-stop flight to Singapore from London. 这是从伦敦直飞新加坡的航班。
We prefer to resolve dispute by amicable, non-binding conciliation between the two parties. 我们喜欢通过双方之间友好的、非约束性的调解来解决争议。
All the material used is the non-metal. 所用的材料都是非金属。
Chapter two summarizes expressions and characteristics of non-institutionalized phenomena in Soviet. 第二章主要是对非制度化现象在苏联的表现与特征进行概述。
The sum of the total amount of the guarantee of foreign exchange provided by a non-financial institution and its total amount of foreign liabilities may not exceed the ceiling prescribed by the People's Bank of China. 非银行金融机构提供的外汇担保总额与对外债务总额之和,最高不得超过人民银行规定的限额。
This now happens even in Brussels, especially since the non-French-speaking eastern Europeans joined in 2004. 这阵风如今甚至已经刮到了布鲁塞尔,特别是自从2004年东欧非法语国家加入欧盟以来。
Every non-( All) level in a changing dimension is disabled. Please enable at least one non-( All) level. 已禁用可更改维度中的每个非(全部)级别。请至少启用一个非(全部)级别。
To settle the problem, we should resort to non-violent means. 为解决这个问题,我们必须用非暴力手段。
A member property of non-( All) levels in the case dimension 事例维度中非(全部)级别的成员属性
Principal and non-principal contradictions Alternate host Any host other than the main ( most common) one. 主要矛盾与非主要矛盾转主寄主:非主要寄主的任何一个寄主。
Linguistically, it is called non-verbal communication. 从语言学角度来讲,身体语言被称为非言语交流。
They have their own class nature of the decision not to jump out of non-. 他们为自己的阶级本性所决定,非跳出来不可。
The countries in the region signed a non-aggression pact. 在该地区的国家签订了一个互不侵犯的条约。
The decision reflects a trend among food and pharmaceutical groups that are converging around high-margin non-prescription health products, for both humans and animals. 这一决定反映了食品和制药公司中存在一种趋势,它们正汇聚到为人类和动物开发高利润率的非处方保健产品方面。
A privative prefix or suffix, such as a-, non-, un-, or-less. 否定前缀或后缀,如a-,non-,un-或-less。
"Non-" is a negative prefix. “Non-”是一个否定的字首。
Market in the downlink in more feel "the size of non-" pressure. 在下行市场更感到“不规模”的压力。
Whether through the world trade organisation or non-proliferation initiatives, some of this has been achieved. 不管是通过世界贸易组织(wto)还是不扩散条约,这个目标已经部分实现。
A matrix printer with a programmable character generator ( to permit non-Roman alphabets). 一种带有可编程字符发生器的点阵打印机,允许打印非罗马字符。
Non-trade barrier replaces tariff to be trade condition within cross-border service delivery. 在跨境的服务贸易过程中,非贸易壁垒取代关税成为重要的贸易壁垒。
She is granted a non-resident visa. 她被给予非本地居民签证。
They work non-stop to finish the audit on time. 他们不停地工作以按期完成审计工作。
Non-and un-are the most freely added prefixes. non-和un-在使用上最为自由。
They replace a non-specific technology-protection regime with a list covering 137 products including technologies involving titanium, batteries and semiconductors. 它们用一份涵盖137种产品(包括钛、电池和半导体技术)的清单,取代了原来没有具体规定的技术保护机制。
Do your utmost to strike out the non-essential words, sentences and paragraphs. 尽量把无关紧要的字、句子和段落划掉。