IDS has replaced its checkpoint algorithm with a virtually non-blocking checkpoint algorithm. IDS已经用一个非阻塞检查点算法替代了它的检查点算法。
Flexible management topology offers an asynchronous non-blocking job queuing mechanism for administration purposes. 灵活的管理拓扑为管理目的提供异步非阻塞作业排队机制。
Non-blocking I/ O, select ( 2), and poll ( 2) 非阻塞的I/O、select(2)和poll(2)
Cisco Systems switches do not provide 100% non-blocking throughput, but can be used nonetheless. CiscoSystems的交换机不能提供100%无阻塞的吞吐,但也能使用。
This call is also non-blocking, which means that getnb can return null. 此调用也是非阻塞的,这意味着getnb可以返回null。
In this approach, a client sends a request to a web service endpoint in a non-blocking mode. 在这种方法中,客户机以非阻塞模式将一个请求发送到一个web服务端点。
The two example switches are described because they are working, 100-percent non-blocking, and high-performance Gigabit Ethernet switches. 之所以描述这两个示例交换机,是因为它们提供了100%无阻塞以及高性能千兆以太网交换。
To get around the problem, you have to employ other tricks, such as non-blocking I/ O. 为了避免这个问题,您必须使用其他的一些技巧,如非阻塞I/O。
The client API supports both blocking and non-blocking invocation of In-Out operations. 客户端API支持In-Out操作的阻塞和非阻塞调用。
To handle Comet efficiently, you need non-blocking IO, and Java has this via its NIO library. 为了有效地处理Comet,需要非阻塞IO,Java通过它的NIO库提供非阻塞IO。
Blocking and non-blocking sockets roughly correspond to synchronous and asynchronous processing, but not at the network level& it is at the OS level. 阻塞和非阻塞套接字大致上对应于同步和异步处理,但并不是在网络级别,而是在操作系统级别。
The second way is the transport level non-blocking invocation, where invocation happens in two transports. 第二个方法是传输级非阻塞调用,其中的调用是在两个传输协议之间发生的。
Tomcat uses NIO ( Non-blocking IO) to keep the connection alive without wasting the waiting threads. Tomcat使用NIO(无阻塞IO)来保持连接活动,无需浪费等待中的线程。
In the meantime there are a few ways of invoking a Web service in a non-blocking manner. 同时,还存在一些以非阻塞方式调用Web服务的方法。
Currently SCA supports non-blocking calls to methods that return "void" and have no declared exceptions. 当前SCA支持对返回“void”且没有已声明异常的方法进行非阻塞调用。
A blocking and non-blocking client API ( application programming interface) 阻塞和非阻塞客户端API(应用程序编程接口)
Asynchronous or non-blocking Web service invocation is a key requirement in Web services nowadays. 异步或非阻塞Web服务调用是目前Web服务中的一个主要需求。
The utilization rate and the service life of the non-blocking screw conveyer can be increased. 提高了机器的使用率及使用寿命。
By contrast, a non-blocking synchronous call returns control to the caller immediately. 相比之下,非阻塞同步是会立即返回控制权给调用者的。
Therefore, non-blocking performance, cross-fiber particles and the adoption of ability. 所以无堵塞性能好,过颗粒能力和长纤维的通过能力较强。
NeverBlock cannot help making a blocking driver non-blocking. NeverBlock不能让一个阻塞的驱动变得非阻塞。
JSR-347 focuses more energy on defining a robust asynchronous, non-blocking API which is important for data grids. JSR-347定义了回收、复制、分发和事务的行为。JSR-347花费了更多的精力去定义一套健壮的异步非阻塞API,这对数据网格来说是很重要的。
This article investigates different non-blocking I/ O multiplexing mechanisms and proposes a single multi-platform design pattern/ solution. 这篇文章探讨不同的I/O利用机制并提供一种跨平台的设计模式(解决方案)。
A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. 无法立即完成一个非阻挡性套接字操作。
Thanks to Fibers we are able to write seemingly blocking code that is run in a non-blocking manner. 多亏了纤程,我们可以写出这种看似明明是阻塞的代码,却能够以非阻塞的行为运行。
It can help make a non-blocking driver operate in a seemingly blocking way without sacrificing the non-blocking features. 它能让一个非阻塞的驱动的操作看起来更像是阻塞的方式,而不会牺牲非阻塞的特性。
System I/ O can be blocking, or non-blocking synchronous, or non-blocking asynchronous [ 1,2]. 系统I/O可分为阻塞型,非阻塞同步型以及非阻塞异步型[1,2]。
Two types of matrices are used in microwave switching: blocking and non-blocking. 在微波切换系统中,可采用两种类型的矩阵:分块矩阵和非分块矩阵。
An operation was attempted on a non-blocking socket that already had an operation in progress. 在一个非阻挡套接字上尝试了一个已经在进行的操作。
In the previous example, a non-blocking receive was performed once the zero-byte receive completes retrieving the buffered data. 在前面的示例中,一个非阻塞接收进行一次零字节接收完成检索缓冲数据。