Report on next Daily Scrum after all developers about the progress on those issues, even if they are organizational and non-development. 在下次沟通会上,对所有开发者汇报这些问题的进度,即使它们和开发无关。
Divided the water landscape into five types which are productive water bodies, travelling water bodies, living water bodies, restored water bodies and non-development water bodies. 并将其分为生产型水体、旅游景观开发水体、生活型水体、涵养修复型水体和不可开发水体五大类。
However, the development rate of the kelp gametophyte clone in the NaClO disinfectant seawater was extremely slow, even non-development was found. 而次氯酸钠消毒海水中的海带配子体克隆发育非常缓慢,甚至不发育,而且细胞膨大,粗短,细胞分裂速度很慢。
From the point of financing demand, the operating characteristics of non-development means that not all enterprises have financing demand. 从融资需求来看,非发展型的经营特征意味着并非所有企业都有融资需求。
In the aspect of research content, the vast majority is applied research, basic research rarely, non-development studies, the proportion is very unbalanced. 研究内容方面,应用性研究占绝大多数,基础性研究很少,无开发性研究。