In another sense the shift is more fundamental since it opens up a whole new class of ( probably) non-equivalent problems. 从另一种角度来看,这种转变更为重要,因为这使全新的一类(有可能)没有替代物的问题开始出现了。
Inability of the customer to obtain the required version of the JDK and installing a different non-equivalent one in its place. 客户未能获取所需JDK版本而在其位置安装另一个不等效的版本。
The uses of deixis have four modes: equivalent use, non-equivalent use, the use of deixis in English with its gap in Chinese and the use of deixis in Chinese with its gap in English. 英汉指示语使用有对等模式、非对等模式、英语中使用指示语而汉语无指示语的模式、英语中无指示语而汉语使用指示语的模式。
Study on the Influence of Non-equivalent Sowing Technique on Growth and Development and Ecological Indicators of Bed-planting System in Winter Wheat 垄作行间非等量播种技术对冬小麦生长和田间生态指标的影响研究
The Loss and Non-equivalent Reconstruction in the Translation of Appellations in Mencius 《孟子》称谓翻译中人际功能的丢失与非等值重构
Also the original channel model, that is the non-equivalent channel model, can be used. 当然也可以直接利用原有的信道模型,即非等效信道模型进行检测。
The Design and Implementation of a prototype Generating Non-Equivalent Terms as Test Cases for Object-Oriented Class-Level 面向对象类级非等价对测试原型系统的设计与实现
Four equating methods in common-item non-equivalent group design based on the classical test theory were compared. 采用锚测验非等组设计的数据收集方案,对4种基于经典测量理论的等值方法进行了比较研究。
Basic Principles of Non-Equivalent Machining of Spatial Cam Surfaces 空间凸轮廓面非等价加工的基本原理
The Non-equivalent Words and the Cultural Connotation in English and Chinese Languages 英汉词语的不对等及其文化内涵
Many well-known grammarians, like Randolph Quirk and Geoffrey Leech, argued about the syntactic and semantic features of non-equivalent comparisons. 许多著名语法家,如夸克、利奇,对非等量比较结构的句法特征和语义特征,有不同的论述,争议颇多。
The refined structural parameters indicate that in Mg-Cr2+ olivines Cr2+ is almost randomly distributed over the two non-equivalent octahedral sites ( M1 and M2); 精化结构参数指示,在橄榄石中,Cr2+随机分配在两个八面体(M1,M2)位置;
Studies on the Possibility of Translation of Non-equivalent Words 英语无等值物词及其可译性探索
At the same time, this paper evaluates the viewpoint of the non-equivalent water head distribution and the non-equivalent intensity distribution of water flow in the horizontal well. 论证了水平井井内水流非等水头分布、也非等强度分布的观点。
Based on the characteristic of the relative distance between any of two points in the locating points set, the substance of matching was put forward, which is to seek the maximum isomorphic sub set in two non-equivalent feature points sets. 基于定位点集(LocatingPointsSet)中任意两点间的相对距离不变这一基本特征,指出了定位和配准问题的实质是在两个不完全等价的特征点集中寻求最大同构子集的问题。
Dispersion relations for TE and TM modes of a multiple quantum well ( MQW) waveguide with an arbitrary refractive index profile are derived in the approximation of non-equivalent refractive index with the help of the trandfer matrix technique. 本文导出了任意折射分布的多量子阱波导芯子区域的转移矩阵,用非等效折射近似得到了TE和TM两种偏振的色散关系。
Heat flow excursion mechanism is controlling factor for conveyance of nano particles in the non-equivalent temperature field. 本文提出热泳沉降机制是纳米粒子不等温气固两相流输运过程的主要控制因素。
The essential content of the theory of non-equivalent hypothesis in the planning of the human settlement is to improve the self-organizing power and reduce the man-made interfering power so as to ensure that the system is in a positive state of succession. 正负态非等效假说理论在人居环境生态规划的核心内容是提高自组织力,降低人为干扰力,确保系统处于正态演替状态。
And in the third condition, in order to diminish the repulsive energy among the bonds, the atoms would rather adopt the non-equivalent sp~ 2 hybridized orbitals. 在第三种情况下之所以采取不等性SP~2杂化,是为了减小排斥能。
The Application of the Positive and Negative Non-Equivalent Hypothesis in Planning of Human Settlement& With the Strategic Development Plan of Dengfeng as an Example 正负态非等效假说在人居环境规划中的运用&以登封市发展战略规划为例
By analyzing discreditable behavior in the terms of economy, the reason was found out that discreditable behavior resulted from non-equivalent information, unclear property right and that the income exceeded the cost. 从经济学的角度对失信行为进行了分析,发现导致失信行为产生和蔓延的原因是信息不对称、产权不明晰以及失信所得的收益大于其成本等诸多因素的共同作用的结果。
Using the program, we can find out atomic terms in j-j coupling of various equivalent and non-equivalent configuration conveniently and accurately. 利用本程序可方便、准确地求出各种等价组态和非等价电子组态j-j偶合的原子谱项。
Land acquisition system reform should replace the invisible and non-equivalent compensation way with fair transaction price. 征地制度改革应以公平合理的交易价格来取代这种隐形的、不等价的补偿方式。
Making use of the non-equivalent diameter capillary module, the author theoretically analyzes the sensitivity to stress of the permeability and the porosity in the low permeability deformed media reservoirs. 利用不等径迂曲毛细管模型,理论分析了低渗透变形介质油藏的渗透率、孔隙度的应力敏感性。
There are two main adjust models: the way of contract adjust and the way of identity relationship adjust, the identity relationship adjust is divided into registered and non-registered, equivalent to marriage and non-equivalent to marriage, and then evaluated various models. 调整模式上主要有以契约和身份关系来调整两种模式,以身份关系来调整的又分为登记和不登记、等同婚姻和不等婚姻的模式,并对各种模式进行了评价。
With plenty of examples, based on the linguistic differences between Chinese and English, the author gives some measures for interpreting& using corresponding nominalized forms or non-equivalent nominalizations. 基于中英文语言特点的不同,作者举大量实例说明了两种翻译方法一英语使用与中文相对应的名词化形势;英语和中文不使用对应的名词化形式。