In a recession, consumers could be expected to cut down on non-essentials like toys. 经济不景气时,消费者可能会减少在类似玩具等非必需品上的支出。
Doing the things that best serve your career goals before you do anything else, he says, will keep you from frittering away precious time and energy on non-essentials. 他说,在你做其他事情以前,首先做那些对你的职业目标有利的事情,这样做才不会浪费你的宝贵时间、花费不必要的精力。
The key is to concentrate on the essentials, and ignore the non-essentials. 关键是集中精力干必须的事情而忽略非必须的事情。
She wastes much of her money on non-essentials. 她把许多钱浪费在非必需品上。
The thought of GUO Song-tao is transcendent which is concentrated on his theory of "non-essentials and fundamentals" and "basing on China to use west". 郭嵩焘的思想具有超越意识,这集中体现在他的本末理论和对“中体西用”的否定变革上。